2 more COVID-19 deaths in Singapore, 14th and 15th in August

One partially vaccinated and one unvaccinated. Very old already though, 86 and 95.


I can only shake my head and lol when I see such report of death of aged elders with underlying medical history  passed off as due to Covid complications of the unvaccinated or partially vaccinated patient. If there is no covid 19 crisis these deaths would have been recorded as death due to old age/underlying illness.
One 85 yr old man with so many underlying illnesses- suffering from hypertension, chronic kidney disease among others (partially vaccinated- probably due to severe side effect after the vaccination)
The other 95 yrs old woman suffering from Alzhemeir disease (so old, probably time up)
- both blamed on Covid 19 complication.

In some oversea countries, the doctors rather declare death due to old age as Covid related. Why? The reason is because it saves them the time to check. Quickly burned or buried. No more questions asked. The family members can't even see them.

(26-08-2021, 02:48 AM)Goldmine Wrote:  I can only shake my head and lol when I see such report of death of aged elders with underlying medical history  passed off as due to Covid complications of the unvaccinated or partially vaccinated patient. If there is no covid 19 crisis these deaths would have been recorded as death due to old age/underlying illness.
One 85 yr old man with so many underlying illnesses- suffering from hypertension, chronic kidney disease among others (partially vaccinated- probably due to severe side effect after the vaccination)
The other 95 yrs old woman suffering from Alzhemeir disease (so old, probably time up)
- both blamed on Covid 19 complication.

Did you miss the point that these individuals were identified as covid patients FIRST, then died.

Did you assume there are covid patients (vaccinated ones) who died before discharge, but were NOT classified as covid death ? Don't see any reported as died but not covid related.

Unless you find MOH data untrustable, in which case say so. And it would be totally pointless to discuss covid in SG as all data comes from MOH.

Average age to die from Covid19 in SG is increased to 75.

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疫苗可以不注射, 精子一定要远射!

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