Former WHO and Founding President of SG Cancer Society view on new Vaccine

Additionally, he raises concerns about cancer mortality rates, attributing them to potential issues with the immune system's rejection of cancers and injuries to stem cells caused by mRNA vaccines.

Professor Oon does not mince words when it comes to the potential devastating impact on the brain, cautioning against strokes, dementia, deafness, nerve damage, and loss of taste and smell. The consequences of mRNA vaccines' effects on brain function, he warns, can be severe, leading to total brain damage, coma, and even death. Furthermore, the blood system is not immune to the destructive reach of mRNA, with Professor Oon asserting its potential to obliterate all cells, leading to bleeding, infections, and clotting issues that may result in organ failures, including the heart, kidneys, and liver.

In his candid assessment, Professor Gabriel Oon characterizes the situation as "nasty," expressing concern that these effects may contribute to depopulation, impacting both children and adults alike. Given the gravity of the situation, he emphasizes the urgent need for action if one contracts COVID-19, to consider using antiviral drugs like Tamiflu for its rapid-acting mechanism against viral neuraminidase to counteract the virus's potentially dire consequences.

As the world grapples with the ever-evolving pandemic and vaccination landscape, voices like Professor Gabriel Oon's bring valuable insights to the forefront. He urges us to remain cautious, consider the implications of emerging VEMs, and make informed decisions when it comes to safeguarding our health and well-being. The complexities of the pandemic demand careful consideration, and Professor Oon's expertise is a beacon of knowledge amidst the fog of uncertainty.

[Image: Screenshot-2023-09-17-172743.jpg]

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