20 clues to toxic Bosses

20 clues to toxic Bosses

1. Requires excessive admiration from you or others and is often boastful of achievements.

2. Is arrogant and haughty in behavior or attitude toward you or others.

3.Demands unquestioning obedience from you or subordinates

4. Has a sense of entitlement – expecting special treatment at all times and in all things.

5. Feels entitled or empowered to bend rules or procedures, circumvent safety, or break laws.

6.Is hypersensitive to how he or she is seen or perceived by others and appears to always contrive a performance to ensure being in the spotlight.

7.Has ignored your needs or those of others, including biological, physical, emotional, or financial needs.

8. Behaves as though you or others are objects to be used, manipulated, or exploited for personal gain.

9. Doesn’t seem to listen well regarding your needs or others’; communication is usually one-way in the form of dictates.

10. When critical of others tends to lash out not just with anger but with rage.

11. Acts imperious at times, not wishing to know what you or others think or desire.

12.Is superficially charming and makes a good first impression, but you soon see the personality and character flaws.

13.Treats you or others with contempt or publicly devalues you or others as being inferior or lacking.

14. Seems to be highly dependent upon tribute and adoration from you and others and will often fish for compliments.

15.Is constantly assessing for those who are a threat or will make him or her look bad.

16.The word “I” dominates conversations. This person is oblivious to the frequency of self-references he or she uses.

17.Takes little or no interest in you or others or in your life history, background, or accomplishments.

18. Doesn’t seem to feel guilty for errors or wrongdoing and does not apologize for actions.

19.Is preoccupied with success or power to the point of alienating others.

20.Seeks to be the center of attention in meetings and doesn’t hesitate to let you know he or she is the smartest person in the room

Sounds like PAP Ministers and Stat Board Directors.

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 
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