FORBES: Who Hacked DAO? This Crypto CEO Likely Stole US$11B Of Ether In The 2016 Hack

Laura Shin tells how she identified the apparent hacker — he denies it — by following a complicated trail of crypto transactions and using a previously undisclosed privacy-cracking forensics tool.

To put the enormity of this hack in perspective, with ETH now trading around US$3,000, 3.64 million ETH would be worth $11 billion. The DAO theft famously and controversially prompted Ethereum to do a hard fork—where the Ethereum network split into two as a way to restore the stolen funds—which ultimately left the DarkDAO holding not ETH, but far less valuable Ethereum Classic (ETC). The proponents of the fork had hoped ETC would die out, but it now trades around US$30. That means the descendant wallets of the DarkDAO now hold more than US$100 million in ETC—a high dollar monument to the biggest whodunnit in crypto.

Full report at:

The aftermath of the hack, including the controversial Ethereum hard fork and the split into ETH and ETC, is a testament to the resilience of the blockchain ecosystem. The evolution of Ethereum Classic into a significant player in the crypto market adds another layer to this ongoing saga.

The DAO hack saga continues to intrigue the crypto community even years later! Laura Shin's investigative work uncovering the potential perpetrator behind the theft showcases the intricate nature of tracing crypto transactions. It's fascinating how technology allows us to delve into such complex mysteries.
For those interested in understanding more about Ethereum transactions and the concept of gas fees, delving into resources like this one on gas fees could provide valuable insights: It's always exciting to dive deeper into the workings of the crypto world!

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