25 Facts about the Explosive Growth in Poverty in US

And we have day and night the 3 stooges ( namely "way"-ward, cocky @ kokee and the abc123@ simpleton) shouting about the glory of US and the demise of China ...

Can the three stooges please watch this YouTube to help you come to realisation you have been cheated: So sad 1 in 5 children collects foodstamp to stave off hunger ...

[+] 1 user Likes sporeguy's post

I think US is a terrible place but not poverty ...but safety.

It is probably easier to make money in US than many places. The min wage is quite high. $8-12 per hour depending on which state.

The main problem is crime and shooting.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.
[+] 1 user Likes sgbuffett's post

(17-04-2022, 10:16 PM)sgbuffett Wrote:  I think US is a terrible place but not poverty ...but safety.

It is probably easier to make money in US than many places. The min wage is quite high. $8-12 per hour depending on which state.

The main problem is crime and shooting.

Agreed totally!

all these morons bark lies never even use their head & brain.
so simple, just look at stock & property market of US & china, all the answer is there, argue for what.
safety, dogs here bark about gun ownership in US, dogs not even go to US or live there, just listen & make own conclusion, travel thw whole world, then comments, moronic dogs.
ton of places is much much more unsafe than US.
If china people can own gun, you think ccp china still survive till today> my foot.
how many china people died unnaturally & kena slaughtered under ccp regime> 100 millions or more, just look at this covid in shanghai & chin today, all the humanity, inhuman act, freedom & human right>


(18-04-2022, 05:16 AM)kokee Wrote:  whole world know no way to be 0 case, not moron is what, even moron also laugh at 0 policy.
but how many old folks died in china because of covid & humanity of 0 case policy> super scary.
ton cannot get their medical care, no medicine, no dialysis, no operation, all the swab test & result, all the quarantine & lock down, easily 500% more died caused by covid, covid alone due to junk sinovac & sinopharm, already ton died.
1 great thing is china govt can stop paying ton of CPF money from now on, super evil,  LOL LOL.

上海養老院大量老人疫亡 當局隱瞞消息


The World Bank Chart will tell who will be in trouble first and who would be the last


Most of the Chinese domestic debts are in the property market.  The property prices at present are only 1/4 of that price a year ago.  Sell also cannot, price too low. keep also cannot because the mortgage rate will keep rising..

source: tradingeconomics.com

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