中国4月所有數據腰斬,社會融資下降50%, 新增人民幣貸款下降80%

china apr all economy data crash, covid lock down, sanction, Ukraine war, almost all foreign investment & factories pull out of china.
stock, property, RMB, bond, trade, domestic demand & almost all plunges like never before.
borrowing down, HK IPO down almost 90%, no business, no expansion, how GDP can grow? use your common sense.
yet these are communist data, the real fact & hard truth is definitely much worse, norm.
comie dogs here can lie & BS, lick & worship with no fact & truth, self create & bark what they want & like here as no one can stop their lies.

國內消息:4月所有數據腰斬,社會融資下降50%, 新增人民幣貸款下降80%, 同比下降56%。所有投資、需求都在大幅度下滑,企業、居民需求均


how bad is china apr economy data? total collapse.
dont worry they will still lies & BS to have a fraudulent data for Q2, for yr 2022, norm, like all the communist lies by comie dogs here.
no way to hide forever like all comie dogs here, never get 1 case correct when truth & fact out eventually.
when world hike rate, china stil print & cut rate, you know how bad compare to the rest of the world.



So, has China collapsed?  Thinking  Rotfl

So, when is China going to collapse?  Thinking  Rotfl

(20-05-2022, 07:25 AM)kokee Wrote:  china almost bankrupt, retrenchment everywhere everyday.
from huge IT, developers, factories to shops, stalls, malls & almost all trades, due to no income, no spending, covid lock down, factories move out.
those with work, pay cut due to fight for jobs, jobless offer super low pay.
company, factories & enterprise lost money till blurred, in huge debt, both individual & company, whole china bury in huge debt today.
rate hike globally? rate cut in china? need IMF or world banks soon?



cannot imagine now the speed of foreign investment & factories pulling out of china, better be fast, when sanction starts, likely cant get back anything?
global is going to freeze all china oversea asset in US$Trillion, likely china will also confiscate all foreign asset in china, still wait for what?
china already started to try to dump everything transfer back to china but individual will want to bring more out from china & run road now.
let see who is faster, once trigger, all write off & wipe out.

继东盟后,美国拉日韩重组产业链,中国经济在孤立中加速恶化 !中国年轻人失业率接近20%,远超欧美 !富人和中产都在移民,逃离上海!



not only few borowing now, print money also useless as nothing to do, business or buy property.
now wevn HK IPO also down 90%, almost closed to Xi 0 policy now, no one interested to even buy china company sharers or no company qualify to list now instead more bankrupt, more become penny, HSI & SSE listed company easily 50-90% of them down price 50-90% from top.
almost everything is shrinking, plunging, run road, collapsing, yet comie dogs here can bark everything shoot to sky, lies is free here can bark whatever to con or brainwash due to skin color, spam by whole gang of comie liars here 7/24.

5.22 【IPO被清零了…】金融唔玩完就奇,香港IPO上市集資數量大跌9成!


china jobless rate is super scary these days, 300-400 mil no jobs is nothing now.
new graduate, only 10-20% can find a related jobs?
property price is crashing across whole china now, retrenchment & factory closed down is everywhere.



debt burst in china, whether is housing loan or personal or company, bond default, bad debt all over.
now many china banks start to see problems.
HKD unpeg will eventually cut off financial tie between china & the rest of the world.
never ever help or feed evil devil.




Moronic kokee king of lies bullshit and know nuts hor China bankrupt hor

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