3 Ways to Spot Logical Fallacies

3 Ways to Spot Logical Fallacies

There’s 3 simple ways you can spot logical fallacies:

1. Bad proofs.
2. Wrong number of choices.
3. Disconnect between proof and conclusion.

Bad Proofs
This includes three sins:

1  The false comparison, such as lumping examples into the wrong categories.

2.bad examples

3.ignorance as proof, such as asserting that the lack of examples proves something.

Wrong Number of Choices

This is the case where you simply don’t have the right number of choices.  Either you are offered two choices when there’s actually more, or three choices are merged into one.

Disconnect Between Proof and Conclusion

This includes:

1. The proof and conclusion are identical.

2. The red herring (a distraction)

3. The wrong ending (the proof fails to lead to the conclusion)


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