36-yr-old is highest ranking general in Afghan

Quote:Provincial cities in the north have fallen like dominoes this week - in some cases after government forces retreated or surrendered without a fight - but in Lashkar Gah, a Taliban heartland, the army appears to be providing stiffer resistance.

Leading them is Sami Sadat, 36, the highest-ranking army officer in southern Afghanistan, in an intense fight in defence of a provincial capital the Taliban are desperate to seize.

And as the insurgents flood social media with images of surrendering Afghan soldiers and snap selfies with locals, the young general is also using Twitter and Facebook as a slick PR tool in the fight against the hardline Islamists.

He and the 20,000 men under his command in the 215th Corps have garnered thousands of followers, with their Twitter accounts awash with images of the general among the troops, posing for selfies with young civilians, and meeting locals.

On Wednesday the defence ministry tweeted he had been promoted to lead the country's special forces, an announcement widely applauded on the platform.

Sadat remains optimistic despite the Taliban's advances.

'Because I know we are going to win,' he told AFP in a phone interview from the frontlines of Lashkar Gah.

'I know this is our country, that the Taliban are failing, that they will fail sooner or later.'

But there is more to him than meets the eye, say fellow officers and friends.

'He is anything but naive,' said a security official who asked not to be named.

'He has a very strategic vision and a very deep analysis of what is happening,' said a general who was Sadat's colleague at the spy agency.

A graduate of the prestigious King's College in London, Sadat began his military career at the Afghan interior ministry.

He received military training in Germany, Britain, Poland and the United States, and also served in the National Directorate of Security - Afghanistan's spy agency.


Better than our 4G generals?

Very handsome.

He is screwed, Taliban defeated USSR...what is them come compared

How is US great? They stalemated in Korea, lost in Vietnam and now this Big Grin

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine Big Grin

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