need some advice who would go delulu and/or clueless about causing the lost of >3 months of life expectancy in just 2 years....
"For those vaccinated with two doses, the loss of life expectancy (RMTL) in 739 days
is 1.37 (CI 95 = 1.27–1.48; p < 0.0001) times that of the unvaccinated. This means that the
subjects vaccinated with two doses lost 37% of life expectancy compared to the unvaccinated population during the follow-up considered. The difference between the life expectancy (RMST) of the vaccinated and that of the unvaccinated limited to the period considered is −2.71 (CI 95 = −3.40 to −2.01; p < 0.0001) days. However, to have an easily understandable comparison, if we extrapolate this result to the entire life expectancy of the Pescara population, we will obtain a
loss of life expectancy difference of about −3.6 months. Obviously, this is an extrapolation made for the sole purpose of giving the reader an idea of the order of magnitude of the RMTL. It may not constitute a realistic prediction, as it
would presuppose health conditions to be invariant over time, an assumption that is very
difficult to realize."