3rd vaccine dose vs vaccine booster; what's the difference and why is it important

Immunity from some vaccines can wear off, and at that point, a “booster” dose is needed to bring immunity levels back up, according to the CDC. A booster dose usually occurs several years after the initial series of vaccine doses is given.

The third dose - it is an additional dose of the vaccine as part of the primary sequence for some immunocompromised individuals to help them mount an immune response similar to what most people get with just two doses.

The CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) unanimously recommended a third dose of the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccine for those weakened immune systems. The vote was made Friday following the authorization of the third dose by the FDA.

According to reports from the New York Times and Washington Post, the Biden administration is poised to announce that many Americans will need a booster shot.

Two administration sources told the New York Times that Americans will be asked to get a booster shot eight months after they were fully vaccinated. The first doses of the booster shot are expected to be administered in September, according to the Washington Post.

A booster dose is supplemental and given to people whose immune response has weakened over time. The dosage may be different than what people first received.


Booster is probably the same thing, just replace the labels thats easy.

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疫苗可以不注射, 精子一定要远射!

3rd vaccine dose is an additional same dose, for those with nothing to boost.

Booster shot is to an additional dose to bring the vaccine right to cover the latest variant, Delta.

The previously doses may have only slightly cripple the latest viruses. But they are saying same virus load.

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