4G team need longer to pick leader, but PM Lee confident of decision before next GE


(28-11-2021, 01:26 PM)5354 Wrote:  What PM Lee is saying is there is no one as good as LKY or him to be the next PM

Sad but true!
Its reflection of his greed. So it occurred its never his intention to govern the country with his heart and soul for his ppl. If he has been ,we should have abundance of great potential leaders waiting to be appointed.
So the Scholar system is a failure.
We have Civil Service College Singapore but cannot produce great leader.🤭
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(28-11-2021, 01:41 PM)Ernesto Wrote:  👍🙃
Its reflection of his greed. So it occurred its never his intention to govern the country with his heart and soul for his ppl. If he has been ,we should have abundance of great potential leaders waiting to be appointed.
So the Scholar system is a failure.
We have Civil Service College Singapore but cannot produce great leader.🤭

all are for show.
is up to them to say who is capable or incapable.
I m the boss my words are last n final!!

Succession Plan system under LHL?

And after so many years with EXCESS Ministers, he still cannot see which Minister has the 30 Skills needed?

Must be their PAP 4G Selection gone very wrong, lor.

PAP must have 50 YEARS Training Program now.

Such a joke. Why PAP always Fail in EVerything?

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

If give me that three I also cannot decide who to pick.

That means the selection process failed miserably. Whether it is intentional or not. Purposely select those who cannot make it to be capable ministars so as not to compete with him?

Or waiting for son?

8Umbrella Umbrella

ask george yeo to come back.

problem solved

(28-11-2021, 04:47 PM)drgn Wrote:  ask george yeo to come back.

problem solved

Good that he was voted out.

(28-11-2021, 04:38 PM)klat Wrote:  That means the selection process failed miserably. Whether it is intentional or not. Purposely select those who cannot make it to be capable ministars so as not to compete with him?

Or waiting for son?

Most people thinks that the PM post is for LHL's son.....What do you all think....? Clapping

Become international joke. crying

Something wrong in their selection criteria...

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

Just imagine China, their President need to fulfill 100 skills not like PAP only need 30.

But yet, internally they can choose Xi after proper Succession Planning.

Heng Arh! SG not as big as China or else we can take 500 years to complete one Succession Plan.

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 
[+] 1 user Likes Ola's post

I think the succession planning failed miserably and ended with three clowns for the finalist is due to their robotic system of rapid ascension by parachuting and riding coat tails instead of working upwards from the rank and files. Really they look like rookies to me instead of veteran politicians about to take the role of highest order in the country. Very pathetic.... Rolleyes

 Thinking is difficult, that's why most people judge
                    Carl Jung
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PM has high hope on 4G team

(28-11-2021, 05:18 PM)Huliwang Wrote:  I think the succession planning failed miserably and ended with three clowns for the finalist is due to their robotic system of rapid ascension by parachuting and riding coat tails instead of working upwards from the rank and files. Really they look like rookies to me instead of veteran politicians about to take the role of highest order in the country. Very pathetic.... Rolleyes

Mausoleum Guard is a no no. Since Laolang and kee chiu lack charisma and savvy, [my preference is out of left field Puthucheary] just get Tharman to sit still until Emperor's grandson decide to step up in natural aristocratic succession.

Was there ever a succession plan or he was hoping to continue his greed for more $$$?
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(28-11-2021, 05:27 PM)luncheonmeat Wrote:  Mausoleum Guard is a no no. Since Laolang and kee chiu lack charisma and savvy, [my preference is out of left field Puthucheary] just get Tharman to sit still until Emperor's grandson decide to step up in natural aristocratic succession.
Grandson also of unknown and unproven substance. ..... Confused

 Thinking is difficult, that's why most people judge
                    Carl Jung
[+] 1 user Likes Huliwang's post

(28-11-2021, 05:37 PM)Huliwang Wrote:  Grandson also of unknown and unproven substance. ..... Confused

In this political game, it is not what you know but rather who you know... Laughing Rotfl

(28-11-2021, 05:55 PM)debono Wrote:  In this political game, it is not what you know but rather who you know... Laughing Rotfl
that's exactly how we ended with three clowns in the finalist....... Angry

 Thinking is difficult, that's why most people judge
                    Carl Jung

3 combine also cannot become one. I think we citizens should be the govt.

not even good as seat warmer meh?

U ask putin or xi to step down lah, very difficult vacating yr comfortable chair.

(28-11-2021, 07:52 PM)Yin yang Wrote:  U ask putin or xi to step down lah, very difficult vacating yr comfortable chair.

Putin and Xi have ruled so many years now, and they have money and power, why would  they want to vacate their positions....? Laughing Rotfl

(28-11-2021, 07:52 PM)Yin yang Wrote:  U ask putin or xi to step down lah, very difficult vacating yr comfortable chair.

It's the same for nearly all leaders. Lao Lee and Lao Goh also stayed around in cabinet after stepping down. Trump also didn't want to leave until after his insurrection failed. Even those who leave will want to install a loyalist to succeed them. Such is politics.

(28-11-2021, 05:37 PM)Huliwang Wrote:  Grandson also of unknown and unproven substance. ..... Confused

100% true. But if you watch Godfather, maybe got some hope. Anyway, can't be much worse dan the current contenders.

(28-11-2021, 05:59 PM)Huliwang Wrote:  that's exactly how we ended with three clowns in the finalist....... Angry

Jialat, no good candidate... crying

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

Lol expected la. Nothing new

I am just a tiny plankton in the ocean.

(28-11-2021, 05:59 PM)Huliwang Wrote:  that's exactly how we ended with three clowns in the finalist....... Angry

(28-11-2021, 10:14 PM)RiseofAsia Wrote:  Jialat, no good candidate... crying

PM Lee is getting old with age, and he needs a successor fast, but there seems to be no right candidate... crying

(28-11-2021, 10:22 PM)debono Wrote:  PM Lee is getting old with age, and he needs a successor fast, but there seems to be no right candidate... crying

PM Lee is talking rubbish.
i think he is not ready to hand over.

PM Lee can hand over to Heng Swee Kiat. PM Lee can retire.
Heng Swee Kiat can then hand over to the 4G ministers.

All PAP MPs can just go for secret voting to select the 4G PM.
Based on voting result, 4G PM will be decided in one day.

It is so simple but PM Lee refuses to do it.

(28-11-2021, 10:39 PM)forum456 Wrote:  PM Lee is talking rubbish.
i think he is not ready to hand over.

PM Lee can hand over to Heng Swee Kiat. PM Lee can retire.
Heng Swee Kiat can then hand over to the 4G ministers.

All PAP MPs can just go for secret voting to select the 4G PM.
Based on voting result, 4G PM will be decided in one day.

It is so simple but PM Lee refuses to do it.

if his cancer has recurred and is dying, next month, we will have a new 4G PM.

There is no need to wait until next election

PAP had to re-shuffle and re-shuffle

After 5 years, then LHL has a successor

Then take another 5 years to wait till 2025

For LW to be new PM?

Something wrong with the 15 Year Planning in the System again.

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

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