四川地震 88人遇難 died

all these moronic comie dogs here lies & BS 7/24, if this happens in US or the west they mock & laugh together like insane dogs here!
all these dogs here started all these nonsense yet other cannot mock at china, LOL LOL, dont expect all these dogs will stop mocking, especially their stir shit king here, spread rumor all the time!
so sichuan yesterday earthquake, 46 died! not serious enough? be patient! china number can be huge till super scary!

四川地震 46人遇難


四川發生規模6.8地震 成都.重慶震感強烈 隔離民眾想逃難還慘遭毒打 !!

Laughter-13  Laughter-13


Wow 46m dead!
Angmo coks suckers said wan.

run for your life during earthquake due to covid lockdown is crimes & criminals in china today! LOL LOL!
what the fxxking big deal of OMICRON flu to your life!
they are lucky, chengdu did not  collapse this time due to earthquake, 21 millions people life are there & almost all lock down now!
next time, they will not be so lucky again! may not be far from now!




(06-09-2022, 10:39 AM)kokee Wrote:  6.8 level of earthquake also dont let slavery run in covid lockdown, real insane!
wuhan people start to fight police & army due to covid lock down!
now china from north to south, harbin to hainan, east to west to most remote like tibet, yunan, guizhou, qinghai, gansu, all kena, lockdown or control!
same to full highway across china, almost all places cant decent unless quarantine!
real situation in china now is crazy!




6.8 u still sucking angmo coks wat. Rotfl

Thread starter has shown how sick a person he can be. Instead of amassing help for the people who suffers in a disaster, he along with his likeminded folks here are somewhat mocking on the situations.

Such sick minded people here simply losses their basic morale by posting information for their possible monetary gains.

One would wonder how the Mainland Chinese has brought such hatred to these people that drive them to post negativities on a daily basis? And the same lots of people would silence on how the Americans has brought suffering in many parts of the world with their fake news for their confrontations and killings. As well as their financial screw up that brought down the world’s economy.

Their educations have taught them well indeed.

whole forum here know comie dogs start all the mocking & laugh at all the west tragedy & disastrous here 7/24!

6.8 level of earthquake also dont let slavery run in covid lockdown, real insane!
wuhan people start to fight police & army due to covid lock down!
now china from north to south, harbin to hainan, east to west to most remote like tibet, yunan, guizhou, qinghai, gansu, all kena, lockdown or control!
same to full highway across china, almost all places cant decent unless quarantine!
real situation in china now is crazy!





46 died, still have 16 unfound, 50 seriously injured! wait  for more information in this remote place!
many places in sichuan felt  the shake!
2 weeks ago, I already talked about earthquake in sichuan due to serious dry weather, normally followed by quake! more to come?
sichuan still has serious  covid situation!

逾46死50傷16失聯! 四川甘孜"6.8強震"小鎮馬路樓房左右狂甩 乘客尖叫路人狂逃

四川泸定6 8级地震,成都震感强烈


(06-09-2022, 10:10 AM)kokee Wrote:  all these moronic comie dogs here lies & BS 7/24, if this happens in US or the west they mock & laugh together like insane dogs here!
all these dogs here started all these nonsense yet other cannot mock at china, LOL LOL, dont expect all these dogs will stop mocking, especially their stir shit king here, spread rumor all the time!
so sichuan yesterday earthquake, 46 died! not serious enough? be patient! china number can be huge till super scary!

四川地震 46人遇難

Sibeh jialat liao lah! Go and rescue them leh!

more after shock, still lock down?

四川6.8強震!深度僅16公里 已46死16失聯



aiya nothing to be happy about. soon the big one with magnitude of 7 to 8 will hit several California cities and many thousands will die

more than 65 died now, 12 unfound, almost 300 injury!
eventually likely around 100 died!
more serious earthquake on the way? whatever lock down at home is more important to ccp china!
slavery life is dirt in china, if they dont help themselves now, all their future generation are same dirt!

中國四川芮氏規模6.8強震 造65人罹難12失聯



falungong 民族败类 very happy.  


(06-09-2022, 11:15 AM)kokee Wrote:  46 died, still have 16 unfound, 50 seriously injured! wait  for more information in this remote place!
many places in sichuan felt  the shake!
2 weeks ago, I already talked about earthquake in sichuan due to serious dry weather, normally followed by quake! more to come?
sichuan still has serious  covid situation!

逾46死50傷16失聯! 四川甘孜"6.8強震"小鎮馬路樓房左右狂甩 乘客尖叫路人狂逃

四川泸定6 8级地震,成都震感强烈

Kokee don't any how smoke lah.. earthquake due to dry weather?

1. I have served the nation in a combat unit for 2.5 + 10 years. I had fulfilled my duty as a citizen, but has the country do it's part for me?
2. I don't know where the threat of CCP is, but I know the threat of CECA is already at my doorsteps
3. I had been called a CCP, JHK, Pinoy, but they never called me a CECA..

(06-09-2022, 07:24 PM)ArielCasper Wrote:  Kokee don't any how smoke lah.. earthquake due to dry weather?

go read. It is called 地震天气


torture & suffer!
aftershock on the way!
slavery, deserve it!
comie dogs here twist & lies, norm!

四川地震段子熱傳:疫情不讓出門 地震不讓在家




really 88? there is 1 village, almost all cover by landslide due to earthquake, few hundreds to thousands of people, just keep quiet? cover up totally?
ccp can control all the media 100%, fully censored!

四川瀘定地震恐傷亡驚人 灣東村被掩埋


(06-09-2022, 10:40 AM)kangtangman Wrote:  Thread starter has shown how sick a person he can be. Instead of amassing help for the people who suffers in a disaster, he along with his likeminded folks here are somewhat mocking on the situations.

Such sick minded people here simply losses their basic morale by posting information for their possible monetary gains.

One would wonder how the Mainland Chinese has brought such hatred to these people that drive them to post negativities on a daily basis? And the same lots of people would silence on how the Americans has brought suffering in many parts of the world with their fake news for their confrontations and killings. As well as their financial screw up that brought down the world’s economy.

Their educations have taught them well indeed.

https://media.tenor.com/z9r-2Ur0eDAAAAAM...-three.gif https://media.tenor.com/9Jpj6U1Bq9YAAAAM...ically.gif https://media.tenor.com/mWXg3GzhYzMAAAAM...n-hart.gif 

Slave kokee stooge’s all here liao cheo kau peng hor LL

Moi AT colleagues said before whenever CCP give an official figures on casualties in some national mishap, best to ownself add a least 2 or 3 more zeroes behind to get a better picture of the real damage.

Even AT themselves said that there are numerous buildings collapsed with hundreds of residents trapped and there are villages that disappeared as a whole from landslides caused by the earthquake. Only double digit casualty ish hard to believe, maybe the one doing the body counts still waiting for PCR result and not yet allowed in to start working yet. Sad

There was a time when the country asked ordinary men to do extraordinary things.

But now, they'll only do it for money.

[Image: A37-DBDDF-0164-4435-A561-E8-B0-DC70710-B.jpg]

[Image: 607-CB9-E4-6222-496-C-9-F22-EC1-EFBE1-AF8-F.jpg]

Everybody’s know you are moronic slave kokee and stooge’s gang king of lies bullshit and know nuts hor

Moronic kokee still preaching Falun Gong hor very evil and very dark one

88 ? huat huat? die liao their media still want a auspicious number to report out ? ha

(11-09-2022, 11:29 AM)Fleetdestroyer Wrote:  [Image: A37-DBDDF-0164-4435-A561-E8-B0-DC70710-B.jpg]

[Image: 607-CB9-E4-6222-496-C-9-F22-EC1-EFBE1-AF8-F.jpg]

Everybody’s know you are moronic slave kokee and stooge’s gang king of lies bullshit and know nuts hor

Moronic kokee still preaching Falun Gong hor very evil and very dark one

https://media.tenor.com/z9r-2Ur0eDAAAAAM...-three.gif https://media.tenor.com/9Jpj6U1Bq9YAAAAM...ically.gif https://media.tenor.com/mWXg3GzhYzMAAAAM...n-hart.gif 

Slave kokee stooge’s all here cheo kau peng hor LL

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