Interview with Professor Cai Xia from Central School of CCP

She gave this interview after her retirement and it gives great insight to the rule of Xi and how this rule will evolve in comjng years.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

(05-08-2022, 09:20 PM)sgbuffett Wrote:  She gave this interview after her retirement and it gives great insight to the rule of Xi and how this rule will evolve in comjng years.

90M CCP members can form 10 rings?

(05-08-2022, 09:20 PM)sgbuffett Wrote:  She gave this interview after her retirement and it gives great insight to the rule of Xi and how this rule will evolve in comjng years.

Brave woman who spoke very insightful of the problem with CCP

Laughter-13  Laughter-13


I find the interview with Cai Xia very insightful as it gives a deeper view of how the CCP cadres view history and how the paths they think the country should evolved. The post Mao era saw the emergence of a hybrid system and with each successive leader changes to move the system forward.

Mao era left many lessons on failings of the totalitarian state, cult of personality, etc.

It is thus surprising Xi can emerge to reintroduce totalitarianism, remove term limits, concentrate power on himself and create cult of  personality. 
It is done by installing his supporters in important positions, use of anti corruption campaign to remove rivals and stirring nationalist sentiment. Together with heavy propaganda and censorship, it is the template and playbook for totalitarian regimes. In the final form it will be like N.Korea. 

[Image: w9hJWi0.jpg]

Based on Cai Xia interview and article below. There will be many intellectuals  and reformists opposed to Xi. The problem is Chinese system does not have enough checks and balance to remove a dictator from power. Xi rise did not give any hint of his totalitarian tendencies otherwise he would have been stopped.

History has shown us the outcomes of totalitarianism. In the modern form with high tech surveillance and control the level of human repression and suppression increases. If this country is Cuba or N.Korea, its okay as they are not linked to th global economy. 

The west made a big mistake due its own short-sightedness to plug China jnto the global trading system before it had under gone more reform. They trusted Deng Xiao Ping alot but forget there is no telling what type of leader can emerge in the future.

Now the messy process of decoupling has to take place as the risk becomes higher and global leaders cannot be blind to the situation given Russia's action in Ukraine. History has shown us that when power hungry dictators emerge the risk of war rises and puts us all at risk.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

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