448 Omicrons in SG ... jialat

448 Omicron cases... Seow liao

[+] 1 user Likes RichDad's post

Came via VTL..

Well done.
[+] 1 user Likes RichDad's post

Another snake by oyk for pushing to open up for VTL with many many countries. Now want to pull back too late already.
[+] 3 users Like Instinct's post

The VTL restrictions came so many weeks after the flare-up in Europe. All along I said the returning sinkies on holidays will bring covid back with them. They enjoyed themselves, but the rest of SG suffer with them.
[+] 3 users Like starbugs's post

Money more important than lives. More weak and vulnerable will become the sacrificial offerings of PAPayas rush to endemicitize death to refill their coffers.

GDP and their bonus more important

We dun wan to c omicron death related cases as in UK do... else many will b finger pointing

There is no right or wrong decisions. 
One only has to bear the consequences that one makes  Big Grin
[+] 1 user Likes Galilo_l's post

Singapore greatest discovery

If quarantine period is never reduced and more tests are conducted
, Sg internally should be lower end of two digits already.

Govt not proactive and scientific.
[+] 1 user Likes watchfirst9's post

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