A perspective of how world, outside EU & USA, react to sanctions on Russia?

A perspective of how world, outside EU and USA, react to sanctions on Russia:

Total no countries :53
Number participants in sanction: 0

Latin America
No. of countries: 33
Number participants in sanctions:0

No of countries: 22
Number participants in sanctions: 0

Asia: 48
Number of participants for sanctions: 3
Japan, South Korea and Singapore

Pacific island/
Australia/NZ :  16
Number joined sanctions:2 Australia and NZ

How does one interpret the numbers?

In Asia, there are only 3 countries sanction Russia, Japan, S Korea and Singapore.    

Why should Singapore follow stupid Japan and S Korea?  

Singapore should follow Asean where 9 out of 10 not sanction.   

LKY is a smart leader who follow majority in action.   

His son is not smart.  


Harry farked the Assmericunts on CIA activities in SG.

sanction is a correct move. we are small country. far from russia. to be attack by them is probably remote unless a world war. but the stand is needed as a warning that any countries nearby try to be funny the world will be against them. attacking other country no matter what is the motives is most of the time not correct.
hope the leaders in russia who started the war can feel that even a small friendly country like singapore also against it. shows how wrong the war act is. just because your neighbour don't do things that you like. you attack them? imagine that in relations to one family and surrounding families.

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