A woman, 33, was arrested at Woodlands Checkpoint after she

🚨 A woman, 33, was arrested at Woodlands Checkpoint after she allegedly attempted to reach for the firearm of an ICA officer on Aug. 27 afternoon.

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woman under high stress do crazy thing. even if she got the small arm can do anything meh?

Why no face?

She foreigner arh?

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 
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(29-08-2024, 08:08 AM)sclim Wrote:  woman under high stress do crazy thing. even if she got the small arm can do anything meh?

She probably has mental issues. Why would someone of sound mind try to reach for the ICA officer's firearm? She also has to obtain ammunition and load the gun before threatening the officer. Would that have gotten her entry into Malaysia? 

She maybe a 武林高手, trying to get pistol.

The only excuse she can tell the judge is she was actually going for the dick. She's obsessed with big dicks.

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