ALL Cityhantam lies & all communist sources of BS

huawei 5G system generally died outside china today.
China hp sale, no.1 is apple. all these morons bark patriotic to support huawei but action buy is apple. Huawei hp sale globally already fall out of no.10, can you count 10 hp company in the world today? huawei hp sale is right bottom, who still see huawei hp advertisement? LOL LOL
If both inside & outside china also cant sell, so hongmeng )S? ny foot, china other android phone also total reject.
huawei car? big toy like all the china junk.
huawei generally gone case yet comie liars still bark every yr few $100B of profit, smlj number or data also can lie, all these comies globally.



(24-06-2022, 11:23 AM)kokee Wrote:  china property crash, banks going to crash, RMB?

大陸銀行現擠兌風潮! 深扒河南村鎮銀行吸儲400億內幕! 中國銀行藏大雷, 中小銀行屬風險最高

china banks really big issue now, no money to pay back savers? limit them to withdraw their own money?
better withdraw fast before they said your money in banks are illegal fund raising? 
digital RMB is the most dangerous now, 1 program, 1 button, all gone, that is it?
top down , china everywhere no money, all debts.
most people ton of debt but no jobs.



Moronic kokee king of lies in your daddy backyards hor LOL LOL
[+] 1 user Likes Fleetdestroyer's post

Moronic kokee king of lies only four of your daddies not using leh LOL LOL
[+] 1 user Likes Fleetdestroyer's post

china HSR lost big money every yr even till today, lost $50B per yr, debt is so huge plus maintenance, with interest rate going up fast, lost will surge like crazy. HSR debt is roughly $8 trillion.

all  these BS comie liars here. high speed railway, Japan had it 65 yrs ago, speed is almost the same as china today, nothing big deal, japan developed themselves totally, china copy cat & steal technology from france, now key parts still rely on import. Yet china HSR lost money huge way everyday now, all the high infrastructure cost, profit also not enough to pay interest, with covid, no tourist, eat shit.
HSR quality of service is junk if you ever take Europe high standard train, china service is forever junk, how they  treat slavery?

一年虧損500億 中國高鐵駛進死胡同 不建怎麼搞錢


(16-06-2022, 07:34 PM)kokee Wrote:  血虧1000萬,深圳房價連續暴跌,業主買房失策哭暈在廁所!賣2套臨深房子置換深圳,虧了1整套房,血本無歸……


US just beginning to hike rate to burst china property & RMB, there ill be a delayed effect, eventually chna & HK, property & currency will sink like no tomorrow.
with all investment pull out, cut off tie totally, followed by sanction, frozen china oversea asset, stop SWIFT, unpeg HKD, better for china to closed their door & go back to 80s to sustain ccp.
3 generation of wealth will be totally wiped off in this china financial turmoil.




(24-06-2022, 07:35 PM)Fleetdestroyer Wrote:

Moronic kokee king of lies only four of your daddies not using leh LOL LOL

a nice interview.
Frank, truth & fact.
Informative with real facts.





Terrible country for money wonder friend with North Korea
[+] 1 user Likes Sharexchange's post


(25-06-2022, 06:17 AM)Sharexchange Wrote:  Terrible country for money wonder friend with North Korea

well said, as below video, china people their whole life is only about money, top down mentality, from govt to beggers, scary.
life is to enjoy, not work till died for money.
life is to live to fullest about yourself, need money but no need a lot.
china use money to conquer their political wet dream, start from their slavery to Xi to build his empire rubbish.
china slavery life, same as all the comie dogs here & their brainless supporters.



In china they can suka suka divorce just to buy another house under own name... their culture and smlj 孔子 smlj 易经 are just BullShit.


(25-06-2022, 08:22 AM)Sharexchange Wrote:  In china they can suka suka divorce just to buy another house under own name... their culture and smlj 孔子 smlj 易经 are just BullShit.

In USA you have no freedom to divorce? No freedom to buy a house?

So restrictive? So terrible?  Thinking


all these communist creators by comie dogs above, like my above post, china people died for $$ in their  whole life, everything they do is for money, legal or illegal, lick balls or sell away their country, all for $$, same to all comie dogs here yet still got morons here  believe all these dogs, worse than dogs, totally inhuman.




below video explain all the recent lies & BS by ccp china & globaltimes, all the fake & twisted lies tom con & brainwash morons used by comie dog here 7/24.
globaltimes are totally BS news media yet used by comie dogs here everyday, same to these moronic comie supporters here.




china is lawless, from chained woman kena raped & chain for>20 yrs, having 8 children with 8 man.
such cases happening almost everyday in china, mostly can be settle by money & case closed.
now tangsha fighting, how many died? case closed? norm.
ton more about no right & freedom of china slavery & dictator.

轻伤的唐山女性 重伤的中国社会




all these comie dogs bark hundreds times here USD collapse due to print too much, debt too high of UST$30 trillion now.
If debt high, most afraid is hike rate to pay high interest for debt.
Now US hike interest like crazy, hike super fast & steep, going to hike few more rounds this yr & next to 3-4% or even higher to norm of 5%.
If US debt is so high why still can hike so much rate, look at china dare not hike, cut & print more instead, who has no more money, who pokai, who currency MATI.
all these comie liars here know nut to con or brainwash even brainless morons here 7/24.


(25-06-2022, 08:36 AM)kokee Wrote:  all these communist creators by comie dogs above, like my above post, china people died for $$ in their  whole life, everything they do is for money, legal or illegal, lick balls or sell away their country, all for $$, same to all comie dogs here yet still got morons here  believe all these dogs, worse than dogs, totally inhuman.



above is the famous top communist video liar of comie dogs here.
almost all quoted by cityhantam, used their videos, all the same, bark lies for $$ in almost 100%  of their videos, all these create liar to con or brainwash morons here & globally.
all these real morons here to trust all these communist video liars.


Everybody’s know you are Moronic kokee king of lies change daddy liao now lover of ah neh as daddies liao LOL LOL

[Image: 162542-F1-5-E67-45-F7-8-B32-1-FBAD9-E4-E720.gif]

your money in banks may not be yours, ccp decide.
slavery world, slavery not suppose to own any asset.
why comie dogs here none of them want to go back to their beloved motherland for slavery life.
your hard work, your hard owned can be evaporate anytime they like.



(25-06-2022, 09:33 AM)Fleetdestroyer Wrote:  Everybody’s know you are Moronic kokee king of lies change daddy liao now lover of ah neh as daddies liao LOL LOL

[Image: 162542-F1-5-E67-45-F7-8-B32-1-FBAD9-E4-E720.gif]


Everybody’s know you are moronic kokee king of lies

Look look China happy hor

(25-06-2022, 02:06 PM)kokee Wrote:  your money in banks may not be yours,

Your savings, properties, investment etc can be makan by Angmoh government without legal basis lor!

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