ALL Cityhantam lies & all communist sources of BS

(09-09-2022, 10:33 AM)kokee Wrote:  below is how china manipulate their export figure, all BS, ton try to use export to transfer their money out of china!
ton of money want to run road from china but govt try to block all!
the more run road, the faster RMB crash!
all the bloody fake & lies by ccp, norm!
shipment cost from china to US drop to super low yet no one shipping! china can BS their export number, most export to russia & asean! the west cut out china good as much as possible now!



as above, that is how china got their export number, totally BS!
yet with this fraud & fake, china export still plunges badly in August!
no need to lies & BS, just look at how RMB crash, HSI & SSE plunging like crazy, china property collapse, ton of bond defaulted, no money still print & cut rate like crazy when global hike rate so fast & steep!
ton more to show china economy is collapsing on the way!



(09-09-2022, 10:22 AM)kokee Wrote:  he is so scared of freedom & human right, so scared of democratic & vote, so scared of the west, so he must closed china door soon!
do all the evil & bad, that is why so scared!




winnie xi, comie dogs idol!

dictator power cannot be challenged!
no check & balanced for all what he has done!
he suka suka do what he likes, all want money has to follow what he barks, no need to bother right or wrong yet he is so stubborn, fake smart, primary school PHD, like comie dogs type to lick his balls, only left all the yes man, sibei song lah! LOL LOL!
do what he like & almost did nothing right, great!!

習近平視批評為對他權力的冒犯!當集大權於一人身上 優缺點將無限放大!好大喜功、固執、虛榮與獨裁成其統治風格!【習近平執政的狂妄、固執、虛榮



(09-09-2022, 07:23 PM)kokee Wrote:  china almost everything rely on US, technology transfer, investment, order, jobs & ton more!
china invest so much in industrialized now, all the agri land convert to industry, build industry park all over, buy all equipment & set up for 20-30 yrs, suddenly all order gone! all eat shit!
all the debt not settle yet, all machine become junk!
now US hike rate like no tomorrow, china property total collapse!
blame on your own greed & evil!



all these comie liars here just bark lies from their ass without supporting documents, yet got brainless supporters believe such nonsense, real morons!
who F care of china tariff for inflation, not cutting any tax for all china good & products!
tax them, the more the better!
all these know nut comie liars here!




(10-09-2022, 06:08 AM)kokee Wrote:  all these 

How much money are you trying to get from Evil Assmerica, for working so hard to smear China?

US goes further to spend $300 million annually smearing China

Since the US has neither the ability to beat China economically nor the gut to attack it militarily, there is not much left in its bag of tricks except smearing and rumor-mongering – a level of effrontery that’s really mind-boggling. It is reported on April 23 on that the “Strategic Competition Act of 2021 ” adopted by the US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations was condemned by Chinese Foreign Ministry’s spokesperson Wang Wenbin as “severely distorting facts and confusing white with black”. The Act grossly interferes in China’s internal affairs, is filled with outdated Cold War mentality and zero-sum game mindset, and exposes the hegemonic idea of the US to pursue supremacy and deprive others of the right to development ......

A 500-million-dollar business! America's state-sponsored anti-China propaganda

500 million dollars. That's the sum of money the US congress planned to allocate to churn out negative news coverage on China. First reported by American Prospect on Feb. 9, the bill was stuffed into the China-centered America COMPETES Act that just got passed by the US House of Representatives earlier this month. A majority of the half-billion-dollar fund will go to the US Agency for Global Media (USAGM), a state-run media service that oversees Voice of America (VOA), Radio Free Europe (RFE), and Radio Free Asia (RFA), which have a record of "blurring the line between objective news coverage and pro-American propaganda," the article wrote.

The malicious plan constitutes a flagrant departure from the principles of "media independence" and "media objectivity" that are self-proclaimed by many in the US. It is tantamount to state-sponsored propaganda, which the superpower has borrowed—along with other dishonorable tactics, e.g., setting up a spy mission center targeting China—from previous approaches adopted during the Cold War era....

(05-09-2022, 11:56 AM)kokee Wrote:  ccp china everyday want to attack taiwan but china almost give away 600 millions sqkm of lands to russia for free!
If I remember correctly, 300 mil sqkm given before ccp china, another 300 mil sqkm given by ccp since yr 1949!
everyday bark at taiwan but russia taken almost 200x of taiwan size of land, now russia lost till almost no army to fight war now, now is the best time to get back all these 200 taiwan island land from russia yet balless? LOL LOL!
Now is the best time!

9.3 【習近平不是男兒!】,俄羅斯兵敗如山倒,中國理應把握機會分解俄羅斯,趁機一舉收復300萬平方領土,可恨中共竟無一人是男兒!

all these morons, forever fight the wrong war!
Omicron, they torture 1.4 bil people till insane, bankrupt, lost their whole life money & in debt!
Omicron, a mild flu eve more mild than normal flu, no need medicine can cure within 5-10 days! They lock almost 600 mil or more at home or on the road or all over in china today, halted all the economy activities, banks run, property crash, domestic market died & export also gone case!
same to attack taiwan for 73 yrs, millions of jet fly, army, firing, against the world, lost all their relationship globally!
now russia lost till pantless n Ukraine war, putin get ready to run road, best time to get back all the land given in last 100 yrs!
this bloody useless & balless coward moron! LOL LOL!

中共送出90個台灣國土 為何還要收台灣



(09-09-2022, 11:09 AM)kokee Wrote:  russia & putin game over!


Ukraine has won! Putin admitted that he lost!

as above, game over for russia & putin in Ukraine war!


Russia Cannot Find Soldiers To Fight!


(10-09-2022, 10:53 AM)kokee Wrote:  as above, game over 

(10-09-2022, 06:08 AM)kokee Wrote:  all these 

How much money are you trying to get from Evil Assmerica, for working so hard to smear China and Russia?

US goes further to spend $300 million annually smearing China

Since the US has neither the ability to beat China economically nor the gut to attack it militarily, there is not much left in its bag of tricks except smearing and rumor-mongering – a level of effrontery that’s really mind-boggling. It is reported on April 23 on that the “Strategic Competition Act of 2021 ” adopted by the US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations was condemned by Chinese Foreign Ministry’s spokesperson Wang Wenbin as “severely distorting facts and confusing white with black”. The Act grossly interferes in China’s internal affairs, is filled with outdated Cold War mentality and zero-sum game mindset, and exposes the hegemonic idea of the US to pursue supremacy and deprive others of the right to development ......

A 500-million-dollar business! America's state-sponsored anti-China propaganda

500 million dollars. That's the sum of money the US congress planned to allocate to churn out negative news coverage on China. First reported by American Prospect on Feb. 9, the bill was stuffed into the China-centered America COMPETES Act that just got passed by the US House of Representatives earlier this month. A majority of the half-billion-dollar fund will go to the US Agency for Global Media (USAGM), a state-run media service that oversees Voice of America (VOA), Radio Free Europe (RFE), and Radio Free Asia (RFA), which have a record of "blurring the line between objective news coverage and pro-American propaganda," the article wrote.

The malicious plan constitutes a flagrant departure from the principles of "media independence" and "media objectivity" that are self-proclaimed by many in the US. It is tantamount to state-sponsored propaganda, which the superpower has borrowed—along with other dishonorable tactics, e.g., setting up a spy mission center targeting China—from previous approaches adopted during the Cold War era....

(11-09-2022, 11:48 AM)kokee Wrote:  whole world know china covid lockdown is totally BS, is just to lick winnie xi ball of 0 case policy! totally meaningless as covid virus will not go away in next 1000 yrs! even inside china!
all the rubbish china town, city & province, lockdown, test, quarantine, block everywhere, highway, halt all economy activity, all these just for show!
easily 1 bil of china people everyday must go theu covid test!! everyday!!!!!LOL LOL!  for what? for shit!
all these just for show, whole world know, 1.4bil china slavery dont know? my foot!

but whole world know this covid lockdown will not stop earliest by end of oct due to winnie xi meeting in 16/10/2022!
hope they continue for 5-10 more yrs! LOL LOL!


whole world know this OMICRON covid virus is very mild, even milder than normal flu!
99.9% if kena, no need medicine can cure in 5-10 days!
but whole china put up a show to lock down whole china 1 by 1 city & province!

(11-09-2022, 05:14 PM)kokee Wrote:  whole world know

(10-09-2022, 06:10 AM)kokee Wrote:  from above

How much money are you trying to get from Evil Assmerica, for working so hard to smear China?

US goes further to spend $300 million annually smearing China

Since the US has neither the ability to beat China economically nor the gut to attack it militarily, there is not much left in its bag of tricks except smearing and rumor-mongering – a level of effrontery that’s really mind-boggling. It is reported on April 23 on that the “Strategic Competition Act of 2021 ” adopted by the US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations was condemned by Chinese Foreign Ministry’s spokesperson Wang Wenbin as “severely distorting facts and confusing white with black”. The Act grossly interferes in China’s internal affairs, is filled with outdated Cold War mentality and zero-sum game mindset, and exposes the hegemonic idea of the US to pursue supremacy and deprive others of the right to development ......

A 500-million-dollar business! America's state-sponsored anti-China propaganda

500 million dollars. That's the sum of money the US congress planned to allocate to churn out negative news coverage on China. First reported by American Prospect on Feb. 9, the bill was stuffed into the China-centered America COMPETES Act that just got passed by the US House of Representatives earlier this month. A majority of the half-billion-dollar fund will go to the US Agency for Global Media (USAGM), a state-run media service that oversees Voice of America (VOA), Radio Free Europe (RFE), and Radio Free Asia (RFA), which have a record of "blurring the line between objective news coverage and pro-American propaganda," the article wrote.

The malicious plan constitutes a flagrant departure from the principles of "media independence" and "media objectivity" that are self-proclaimed by many in the US. It is tantamount to state-sponsored propaganda, which the superpower has borrowed—along with other dishonorable tactics, e.g., setting up a spy mission center targeting China—from previous approaches adopted during the Cold War era....

(09-09-2022, 01:55 PM)kokee Wrote:  they know who treat them well!
they know when is their happiest & best time in life!
no need to by force, no need to use force! no need to lies & con!


no surprised!
humanity between the 2 is heaven to hell!
human heart is clear, they can see & feel!
by force, you will never win the people! like all comie dogs here, lick evil 7/24 is useless, only dogs agree & believe their lies & shit!

9.10【 英女王v.s.習近平! 】"該死的不死!" 忽然成為內地熱門搜尋!習近平永遠無法成為心目中的皇帝!


Shameless slave kokee go take your medicine bananas cheo kau peng hor LL

(13-09-2022, 12:25 PM)kokee Wrote:  sure, next month winnie continue to be china president is huge issue to the world, nothing to do with us, just sit with pop corn & watch a insane show by ccp china!
the world & future will has huge impact but to you & me, no big deal!



around 18/10/2022, china & ccp has to decide their fate, whether winnie xi continues to be china president!
If he elected, then china likely to be next russia today!
china will be isolated by the west & world, china also will choose to isolate from the world itself eventually!




(12-09-2022, 06:19 PM)kokee Wrote:  US & the world should just ban all the IC sale into china totally!
now already ton of high end products cant produce in china due to AMD & Nvidia IC!
further ban now, even more products need to move out of china production soon!

US to broaden restrictions on China chip shipments 


Nvidia latest & world most powerful GPU, great for AI, nothing for chia, not even 1 chip will sell to china!
all the most advanced IC will never ship 1 pc to china, why not cut off IC totally into china? just do it!

NVIDIA H100 world's strongest GPU broke the record!

The U.S. finally banned China chips supply chain. Sanctions on semiconductor expanded with Chip 4.


Shameless slave kokee go take your medicine bananas cheo kau peng hor LL


《經緯點評》氣炸莫迪? 為什麼印度航母比不上中國 David’s Show 2022/09/21

(21-09-2022, 10:31 AM)kokee Wrote:  when this dog cancel or postpone his rubbish, thing is not working now!! 
who still F care of this rubbish!!
he has no more army to fight now, want all adult russian to sacrifice their life for him? only real morons will sacrifice their life for dictator!
why putin dont ask all his relatives & family members to fight in Ukraine war now instead calling all the slavery? LOL LOL!
panic & desperate now, his life is ending? hahaaa!
referendum? my foot!!
still WW3 before he dies? hahaa, nice, let all comie dogs here go to war la! hahaaaa!!!
all these comie dog liars here!


乌军攻入战略枢纽(红)利曼! 俄国明天开始禁止成年男子出国境,准备进行全民战争总动员!

game over for russia & putin totally now!!
US intelligent also said so!!

The U.S Has Disclosed the Intelligence! Putin Is Giving Up the War!

Rebellion In Russia Against Vladimir Putin!

End Of The Road Russia Has Collapsed!



Africa Stands Up to US Cold War Bullying Against China & Russia, w/ Kambale Musavuli

(23-09-2022, 11:43 AM)kokee Wrote:  with all russia break off with russia, all run road from russia, you know russia already lost till pantless in Ukraine war!!
belarus, NK, china, IRan & ton more ll cut off tie with russia & putin now, that is why putin went crazy to call for mobilization!!!
now global no money now due to inflation & US rate hike, who will still support or stick to a total loser?

as below, whole world left russia & F russia off now, including all russia brother like china, NK, Iran, belarus & ton more !!
simple, russia lost in Ukraine war till pantless, total pokai now, all his brother run road from russia now!!


china & NK know russia lost till pantless in Ukraine war, now want to jump ship, ignore russia!!
now try to lick US balls in NY & kowtow there!! LOL LOL!!
who still F care of africa even china kneel down to US now!!

china & russia in SCO last week, form the most closest alliance in the world to fight US & the west, now so fast want to lick AMDK balls? kneel down so fast? panic & scared liao!!
this bloody balless & no stand, not firm like mud, deserve to kena squeeze & spit in front of the world!!

as above, russia a war loser today!! all his evil brother country all leave him now!!
Belarus, Iran, NK, china & ton more!!
all no money now, all dont even can take care of itself now!! wang yi today dont represent winnie xi!
wang yi meet up with kissinger to beg for peace now, he knows china situation today is super bad once russia game over! next will be china, sanction & even war!!



Moronic Kokee Cok, India not joining Assmerica liao?

What's happened to QUAD?


Beijing: US has no right to interfere in the Taiwan issue | Latest World News | WION

(26-09-2022, 10:58 AM)kokee Wrote:  as above, china kneel down to the world now!!
now china try to lick Ukraine & F russia for Ukraine war!! but whole world know UKraine war was started by russia & china both together, no? whole world know well!!
this fxxking  inhuman, twist, lies are norm!!!



china kneel down to the world now!!
who still F care or give a shit to china today!!!
almost all west & the world support taiwan & F off china now!!

finally this world has another strong lady PM, pro-taiwan & strongly against china!!
almost whole world fxxking the 2 evils, china & russia now!
these 2 evils better tie to die together, if they start to F each other, that will be even better!
let see these 2 evils, who will sell away their blood brother 1st!!




(26-09-2022, 07:37 PM)cityhantam Wrote:  

Beijing: US has no right to interfere in the Taiwan issue | Latest World News | WION 

Shameless bankrupt Pitiful jealous slave kokee go take your medicine bananas cheo kau peng hor LL 

Kokee your daddy kneeling liao


俄軍轟炸北約營地擊斃超100名“僱傭兵” 伊朗無人機空襲敖德薩軍火庫 烏軍發動對核電站攻擊 俄情報部門敘利亞逮捕俄著名戰地記者布洛欣 擁有俄烏雙重國籍 瓦格納僱傭兵敘利亞情報洩密烏克蘭 普丁下令嚴查

(26-09-2022, 07:12 PM)kokee Wrote:  this real moronic comie liars here, spam lies 7/24 from his ass like insane dogs here!
putin is the one will have to flee or already flee!!
Zelensky just came back from UN meeting, where is putin? fxxking in hiding & afraid of assassination!! whole russia is looking for him now!! all the people, parliament, ministers, real useless, bark then run to hide!!! LOL LOL!!

9.26【 普京習近平雙雙失去踪影?! 】傳普京躲藏避暗殺

Russian Parliament Has Demanded Putin's Resignation! Russia Is Collapsing Every Day

all these comie liars here, russia & putin already lost till pantless in Ukraine war!!

all these moronic comie dogs here, last few weeks, Ukraine easily recover>10000 sqkm of lands, almost all russia army run road, reclaim all Ukraine back to 1991 land is just a matter of time as, russia army in crimea already started to flee like crazy dogs now!!
all these comie liars n]bark BS 7/24 here to con brainless here!!!
Ukraine army push in almost every 10-20km forward even with mobilization or nukes or whatever russia & putin shit!!

Sounds of Victory in the Capital! Russia Withdraws From Crimea!

俄羅斯軍隊將會出現投降潮  烏克蘭軍隊兩日推進10公里


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