pls watch dz video asap b4 it is removed!

💥 pls try to watch dz video asap b4 it is removed ! ✳️

快啲睇呢條片,就快姍除,美國佬自己爆出嚟,COVID-19 係美國佬自己做出嚟嘅生物武器。

[22/03, 18:29] Khor:
Dr Francis Boyle drafted America’s Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989. From Reagan times, he had been intimately involved in the whole scenario surrounding biological warfare research and the parties involved. He gives especial insights into the Ukrainian biolabs, and how that links to Wuhan, the pandemic and Fauci.

Eye-opening - scary !

Click on the video

This is scary what the America is doing. The latest pandemic is spread by America. Don't think this is fake. Must watch the whole 39 mins video.
[22/03, 18:29] Khor: This is mind blowing ! US is the principal party responsible for the creation of Covid.
[+] 1 user Likes webinarian's post

after he made these announcements, will his life be in great danger?
[+] 1 user Likes WhatDoYouThink?'s post

Will be suka suka disappear hor

(02-04-2022, 09:21 AM)WhatDoYouThink? Wrote:  after he made these announcements, will his life be in great danger?

Good Angmohs are more. Big Grin

all these moronic comie dogs here, why not forward to your ccp master or russia grandmaster to sue US gao gao.
sue till US pantless, lor, all these real morons here, whole world know is starting from wuhan, hard truth & fact, LOL LOL.

(02-04-2022, 12:23 PM)kokee Wrote:  all these moronic comie dogs here, why not forward to your ccp master or russia grandmaster to sue US gao gao.
sue till US pantless, lor, all these real morons here, whole world know is starting from wuhan, hard truth & fact, LOL LOL.

Pls tell everyone here how USA created Covid to help dumbfarks like u. Laughing

(02-04-2022, 12:23 PM)kokee Wrote:  all these moronic comie dogs here, why not forward to your ccp master or russia grandmaster to sue US gao gao.
sue till US pantless, lor, all these real morons here, whole world know is starting from wuhan, hard truth & fact, LOL LOL.

Alam, no need to sue. Let all the countries see the evil American in murdering people. Why sue? No need.   

US killed a lot more it's own people than other countries exceeding 1 mil Americans. That's enough, right?   

You really stupid, yet call all others morons.  


[+] 1 user Likes webinarian's post

no one can delete videos from bitchute

Hi.  Great find.  suggest you people report this to the UN Security Council and cc to Pentagon, and this forum.  They might give you an honorary medal of some kind so that you can show it to your next generations how you had fought against American Imperialism.  Bravo!!!!

[Image: tumblr-n1cq2oe-Ue-D1t77ydgo1-400.gif]


[Image: sSw6KFD.gif]



Triple confirmed Covid 19 are planted by CIA in Wuhan

the world must band together and tear USA apart and sanction it for 200yrs.

Let the populations die away.


(02-04-2022, 12:23 PM)kokee Wrote:  all these moronic comie dogs here, why not forward to your ccp master or russia grandmaster to sue US gao gao.
sue till US pantless, lor, all these real morons here, whole world know is starting from wuhan, hard truth & fact, LOL LOL.

Just tell yr Yank Daddies we got the videos Wink


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