In a heartbreaking account shared with the “Jab Injuries Australia” Instagram page this week, Ms Hamilton described how the morning after her booster Natalie fainted in her bedroom, falling and hitting her head on her ensuite cabinet.
“She died on my passed mum’s birthday on the 27th of March, 2022. Her death certificate states Natalie died of myocardial infarction and that she had subacute myocarditis.”
Moderna Covid vaccine death: Mother of Natalie Boyce, 21, speaks out | — Australia’s leading news site
“She died on my passed mum’s birthday on the 27th of March, 2022. Her death certificate states Natalie died of myocardial infarction and that she had subacute myocarditis.”
Moderna Covid vaccine death: Mother of Natalie Boyce, 21, speaks out | — Australia’s leading news site