Actress Rui En reveals deep vein thrombosis scare, her arm was swollen and bruised

What is it in layman's term ? No head no tail ?

One of the 3 highs?.

When you start to age, sure will have some small health problem. Need to quickly treat it, don’t wait.

For smokers, if your neck starts to swollen, time for you to quit smoking.

人是不进棺材不掉泪 lah.

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

Blood issue.

(11-12-2023, 06:14 PM)theold Wrote:

Giving her a massage to release blood nao!!!

how many clotshots she take?

So are her neh neh swollen or really big?

(11-12-2023, 06:16 PM)ysh02 Wrote:  What is it in layman's term ? No head no tail ?

basically a blood clot..................probably due to the spike proteins...........

DVT ish what you get if u sit too much...
ur blood never moves, it clots at ur legs/thighs and cause problem since now ur blood cannot move...
usually happen to ppl who fly too much and stuck sitting down on plane for long hours or those who sit down all day....

but if u are happily boosted, ur blood has higher tendency to get clots so it can cause it also...

google "deep vein thrombosis" and "vaccine...

btw just realize DVT in the arm ish rare...
usually ish in the leg...

this ruien post ish pro-oyk idealogy

i doubt she ish just 4x vaxxed

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