After AUKUS, Russia sees an opportunity to market its own submarines

Last Updated: Sep 25, 2021, 02:22 PM IST


Historically, Russia has held back from sharing its nuclear submarine technology, which is considered among the best in the world, certainly superior to China's nascent capabilities.

Thus far, Moscow has only entered into leasing arrangements with India, allowing its navy to operate Soviet- and Russian-made nuclear-powered attack submarines since 1987. But this has not entailed the transfer of technology to India.

Should Russia decide to market its nuclear-powered submarines to other nations, it would have no shortage of interested buyers. As one military expert suggested, Vietnam or Algeria are potential markets - but there could be others. As he put it, "Literally before our eyes, a new market for nuclear powered submarines is being created. [...] Now we can safely offer a number of our strategic partners."


The expanded endurance and range of Australia's future submarines could see them operating in the western and northwestern Pacific, areas of regular activity for Russia's naval force. (Levin's note: I really don't know why Australia need to operate there for defense purposes).


by entering the nuclear submarine race in the Indo-Pacific, Australia would become part of an elite club, some of whom would be adversaries. And there is the potential for this to lead to a naval Cold War of sorts in the Indo-Pacific.

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Russia 做十五

(27-09-2021, 08:38 AM)Migrant Wrote:  BIDEN 做初一

Russia 做十五

I just hope South East Asia and East Asia will not become like the Middle East as the West moved their playground.

China soon will have to prepare a battle plan for Australia to the point of nuking.


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