After more than 2 yrs (now 3 yrs!!), Trump wants to stop the war??!!

俄西部軍區部隊接到進入烏克蘭作戰命名!挪威情報證實俄核潛艇冷戰後首次攜實彈出海 俄圖-95MS巡航美國阿拉斯加 俄多地出現爆炸 莫斯科6架飛機疏散高級官員科學家 美國俄亥俄州污染事件成為美國切爾諾貝利

俄軍總攻別爾霍夫卡 瓦格納集團切斷巴赫穆特最後補給通道 中國計劃向俄羅斯提供致命性武器 王毅在慕尼黑安全會議講話警告美國“台獨”改變台海現狀 法國現役傘兵烏克蘭陣亡 北約軍火庫正被烏克蘭掏空

英國特種空勤團秘密抵達赫爾松 烏軍“春季攻勢”開始 俄軍數十枚口徑導彈轟炸烏克蘭西部多地 俄西部軍區部隊開始對庫普揚斯克外圍進行偵查烏軍越過奧斯基爾河在武茲洛維進行最后防禦

德媒: 中国的和平计划没机会 因中国并不中立


拜登騎虎難下"俄烏和平無望"?! 郭正亮:久戰無盟友@CtiNews


(03-02-2023, 06:42 PM)cityhantam Wrote:

UPDATE: ‘Do not exaggerate importance of America’s equivalent to Wagner Group PMC’ says Russia

RUSSIA’S Press Secretary to the President, Dmitry Peskov, spoke on Thursday, February 2, about the news that the Mozart Group, America’s answer to Russia’s Wagner Group – Putin’s network of mercenaries and de facto private army – was apparently ‘leaving’ Ukraine and said not to exaggerate the PMC’s significance.

UPDATE 11.27 am (February 2) – Peskov suggested that the importance of America’s answer to the Wagner Group PMC should not be exaggerated.

“To be honest, I suggest not exaggerating the importance of such a PMC. We are not aware of any significant role played by such a PMC with such a name,” Peskov said on February 2.

As previously reported, Andy Milburn, the head of the Mozart Group – America’s answer to Russia’s Wagner Group – said that the PMC would be ‘leaving’ Ukraine, although would return under a new name.

[Image: Mozart-Group-01.png]

When will end leh?  Thinking

(27-02-2023, 06:29 AM)cheekopekman Wrote:  When will end leh?  Thinking

[+] 1 user Likes cityhantam's post

Trying to escalate war?

烏克蘭無人機轟炸白俄羅斯首都 明斯克南部軍用機場爆炸 A-50預警機被炸毀 盧卡申科即將訪問北京會見習近平 美軍第6艦隊航母打擊群部署亞得里亞海待命 烏軍向摩爾多瓦德涅斯特共和國邊境集結 俄烏戰爭升級


司马南 | 清华教授吴大辉:俄乌冲突十个结论

Russian amdk reject CCP peace plan……still keep licking amdk? Rotfl

(02-03-2023, 02:46 PM)pervertosan Wrote:  Russian amdk reject CCP peace plan……still keep licking amdk? Rotfl

Errr... Why pro-AMTK pervertosan suddenly say different story from Western media leh ?  Big Grin

(02-03-2023, 05:23 PM)Manthink Wrote:  Errr... Why pro-AMTK pervertosan suddenly say different story from Western media leh ?  Big Grin

futile to fight Russia even if u get to murder Putin
the system is set up to operate under duress.
we saw an abt face
WHO has visited Syria
and like everything bankcrupt
they want the globe now to help Syria.

【盧秀芳辣晚報】"美國人將不得不把子女送戰場戰死" 澤倫斯基這句話"激怒美國民眾"@CtiNews 精華版

(02-03-2023, 11:36 PM)pervertosan Wrote:

Why pro-AMTK pervertosan suddenly sharing a news source based in a NATO country without any comment  ?

Big Grin

(03-03-2023, 12:34 PM)Manthink Wrote:  Why pro-AMTK pervertosan suddenly sharing a news source based in a NATO country without any comment  ?

Big Grin

u must be mentally deficient….why do u keep saying pro-amtk when i have never made a single pro-amtk comment?….  Big Grin

(03-03-2023, 02:08 PM)pervertosan Wrote:  u must be mentally deficient….why do u keep saying pro-amtk when i have never made a single pro-amtk comment?….  Big Grin

Your beloved Japenis daddy getting very sexcited liao!  Rotfl

烏克蘭聯合日本攻擊俄羅斯遠東空軍基地!俄聯邦安全局遠東共青城逮捕烏克蘭軍事情報總局特工 俄蘇-35 蘇-57生產基地出現日本烏克蘭間諜 烏國家安全與國防委員會秘書達尼洛夫證實烏軍計劃與日軍合作攻擊遠東

《谦秋论》赖岳谦 第四百九十集|只是去送钱吗?耶伦突访基辅有鬼

【盧秀芳辣晚報】澤倫瘋了? 烏軍殺紅眼! 自炸水壩轟機場! 戰局再升級... @CtiNews 精華版


震懾美軍!俄戰略轟戰機烏克蘭投擲1.5噸高精度滑翔炸彈 烏總參謀部證實遭俄軍UPAB-1500V炸彈攻擊 1.8萬米高空50公里外投彈可精確命中目標 納卡發生交火 俄軍增兵高加索 庫普揚斯克戰役打響

天天硬事3025期——01 美国五角大楼前高级顾问称若乌克兰泽连斯基战败会同越南一样被抛弃,警告俄国若胜利北约将解散 02 美国拜登和德国朔而茨会面后朔而茨对中国表示若援俄国将会有后果

Only US can end this why would they want to ..they just pumping old weapons and let the Ukrainians fighting and dying, in return they are selling billions and billions of weapons to Western aillies in fear

this is their grand plan..
option 1 Weaken Russia so badly that it crack and become like Yugosslavia ... and no more Russia
one stone hit 2 birds... kill of Russia and put CHina in its place ...

Option 2 Russian cease fire and peace comes in ...but weaken forever and economy broken and will take decades to repair , this will let China know .if you dare to attack Taiwan..this is what awaits you.. completely destroyed economy and your assest all frozen etc

US +EU is the new boss in town

this could all change if China provide army and weapons ..force US into another 20yr winless war..eventually like the Korean peninsular ..peace will come. This will remind US and EU, when you mess with Russia and China have to endure the pain
and Taiwan will never dare to think of going down that path after seeing what Ukraine has become after 20 log years of conflict


(06-03-2023, 05:15 PM)keys Wrote:  Only US can end this why would they want to ..they just pumping old weapons and let the Ukrainians fighting and dying, in return they are selling billions and billions of weapons to Western aillies in fear

this is their grand plan..
option 1 Weaken Russia so badly that it crack and become like Yugosslavia ... and no more Russia
one stone hit 2 birds... kill of Russia and put CHina in its place ...

Option 2 Russian cease fire and peace comes in ...but weaken forever and economy broken and will take decades to repair , this will let China know .if you dare to attack Taiwan..this is what awaits you.. completely destroyed economy and your assest all frozen etc

US +EU is the new boss in town

this could all change if China provide army and weapons ..force US into another 20yr winless war..eventually like the Korean peninsular ..peace will come. This will remind US and EU, when you mess with Russia and China have to endure the pain
and Taiwan will never dare to think of going down that path  after seeing what Ukraine has become after 20 log years of conflict

That is typical lapdog thinking


【盧秀芳辣晚報】10月垮台! 澤倫斯基"大難臨頭" 解職高官"有內幕" @CtiNews 精華版

(07-03-2023, 03:56 PM)Niubee Wrote:  That is typical lapdog thinking

ok..lets hear your thoughs then...

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