After more than 2 yrs (now 3 yrs!!), Trump wants to stop the war??!!

Zelenksy Admits Russia 'Second Best Army In The World'

Ukrainian President Vladimir tried to stay upbeat when discussing the "new phase of the conflict against Russia in an interview with the AP, claiming he had mixed emotions about the success of the counteroffensive so far.

"We are fighting with the second (best) army in the world, I am satisfied,” he said. “We are losing people, I’m not satisfied. We didn’t get all the weapons we wanted, I can’t be satisfied, but I also can’t complain too much.”

He reiterated fears that global attention shifting to Israel's war with Hamas was another battlefront Ukraine had to fight, insisting "we must not allow people to forget about the war here."

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【盧秀芳辣晚報】澤倫第三次赴美演講 從"貴賓"變成了"接近乞丐" | 2億美元嗟來食 澤倫訪美極羞辱@CtiNews精華版

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《谦秋论》赖岳谦 第六百一十四集|普京笑!泽连斯基哭!拜登在想…
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(09-10-2023, 11:45 AM)cityhantam Wrote:  Assmerica can print more money mah!  Rotfl
U.S.A just printed US886 billion defense bill.

310-to-118 vote reflected the bipartisan nature of the bill, which earned support of a majority of Democrats and Republicans despite vocal opposition of hard-liners, who staged a last-ditch rebellion on House floor to try to block passage. 

Mr. Biden is expected to sign the measure into law, maintaining Washington’s six-decade streak of approving military policy legislation on an annual basis...hossay arhh... Clapping

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'23.12.20【觀點│文茜Open Chat】EP003 烏克蘭啟示錄 淪入代理人戰爭 小國終將被犧牲

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“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

Ukraine is doomed!

【盧秀芳辣晚報】前線告急! 烏克蘭這幕 徹底涼了|烏克蘭女兵 大量死亡 精華版 @CtiNews


《谦言谦语》 赖岳谦 第二百零七集 公開版|俄乌冲突螺旋上升!外媒不看好美国能成功遏制中国!

This is a stupid thread.
Ukraine is fighting because it wants to fight off an invasion of Russia.

US and NATO is supporting Ukraine because Russia will install a pro Russia puppet govt if it successfully invades Ukraine and after that it can shift mass weapons into Ukraine to threaten rest of Europe.
They have to try to prevent fall of Ukraine to stop future threats.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

(02-01-2024, 11:07 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  This is a stupid thread.
Ukraine is fighting because it wants to fight off an invasion of Russia.

US and NATO is supporting Ukraine because Russia will install a pro Russia puppet govt if it successfully invades Ukraine and after that it can shift mass weapons into Ukraine to threaten rest of Europe.
They have to try to prevent fall of Ukraine to stop future threats.

Your brain is 100 % washed by AMTK!  Rotfl
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(15-12-2023, 10:01 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  U.S.A just printed US886 billion defense bill.

310-to-118 vote reflected the bipartisan nature of the bill, which earned support of a majority of Democrats and Republicans despite vocal opposition of hard-liners, who staged a last-ditch rebellion on House floor to try to block passage. 

Mr. Biden is expected to sign the measure into law, maintaining Washington’s six-decade streak of approving military policy legislation on an annual basis...hossay arhh... Clapping

Prosecutors Recommend Six Months in Prison for a Man at the Center of a Jan. 6 Conspiracy Theory. Federal prosecutors have recommended a six-month term of imprisonment for a man at the center of a right-wing conspiracy theory about the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol.

Destroying your country for the American dollar

The more I watch Ukraine annihilating themselves under Russian artillery and sinking their own country for Joe Biden's soon-to-be-over political career and Victoria Nuland's geopolitical fetish, the more I don't understand how they don't understand what's going on...

About half of the country's population is gone, industry is non-existent, the power grid works on fairy dust and more than 500,000 of those who were forced to fight (or wanted to imitate their German idols) are dead. The country's male population that is remaining are trying their utmost best to escape from the country. Those who survived the battle are disfigured or psychologically damaged forever. The best case scenario now is several generations of Ukrainians living in poverty and debt slavery. What is the point again? You believed the lies our State Department told you, you were fooled. We don't care about you, no one does. People with your flag on their social media profile don't care, they just want to feel good about their meaningless lives and will jump to the next thing as soon as one is presented. No one cares. As far as I can tell, Russians cared, but you didn't want that because the CIA sowed extremism in your country, convincing you that you're better than them. You fell for the lies of our politicians and hoped for glory and victory against the evil Russians.

Well, here you are. The U.S. has officially "ran out of money". Let me tell you more. We haven't. As long as the Federal Reserve Ponzi scheme operates we will never run out of money. You know what it is? Our politicians grew tired of you like a small brat grows tired of an old toy. That's what you are to us, a toy. We've played with you for a bit, used you and now we are going to throw you away. All those dead and crippled men happened because we wanted to damage Russia. You've been a tool at best. From the point of view of our State Department, not a very good one at that. The best that they will say about you is you've squeezed a few more years out of our sham economy. We will soon move to the next toy we want to play with, be that Taiwan, Serbia or Iran. While you spend the rest of your lives miserable and in crippling debt, your current leaders will be given nice houses in Florida (or already bought a nice house in Egypt) and you will be forgotten. European countries, because they are run by our prostitutes, will continue tanking their own economies for you a bit longer, because we've told them to, but even that will, inevitably, come to a bitter end. More than 50 countries have supported you financially and/or militarily and you still lost. It's over, time to pray that the Russians you hate so much and whose children you bombed for 9 years will have mercy on you. We won't.

It's a lesson for all countries. The United States doesn't have friends, only slaves and prostitutes. I hope that will soon change and my country will be run by human beings, but I'm not going to hold my breath...

Join The American Majority!  Rotfl

WarVehicleTracker on X: "In the recent days Ukraine has experienced Strikes on FOBs, by what I suspect to be North Korean KN-23 Ballistic Missiles. 

More below. 

(1) FOB Containing alot of Trucks(Ural, Ural Tankers etc). The fact that the houses caught fire aswell indicates a resupply base in them." / X


【盧秀芳辣晚報】烏克蘭實況有多慘 『美國親歷者』曝滿城寡婦|滿城寡婦 烏克蘭男人一代滅絕 精華版 @CtiNews


援助乌克兰,美国不如英国“疯” | 丁一凡





【盧秀芳辣晚報】大潰敗! 烏軍匆忙奔逃 畫面驚人|烏軍潰逃影片 細節驚呆 @CtiNews 精華版
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《經緯點評》大事不妙 ? 為啥西方國家急於逃離烏克蘭 David's Show 2024/02/23

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