Ah Xi dun want to meet Biden ah?

拜登邀7月視訊 習近平不回 王毅密會布林肯五小時攤牌 新聞大白話 20220711

The body language between Wang and Blinken had not gone unnoticed during a press meet after 5 hours meeting at the sideline of G20 in Bali...
While the former gestured with his usual open confidence.... the American looked unusually defensive, if not submissive - in both words and behavior.

Anyone can sense the American now feel increasing exposed...since Biden came to office less than 2 years ago...with high inflation, oil price, Ukraine conflict, trade war with China and the coming mid-term US election with Biden having the lowest poll ever.


all these communist source of lies & BS with comie dogs here lies in their thread title to con or brainwash morons here, norm.
these dogs here dare not even used news title as tread title, self created lies as title to BS & lies 7/24 here.
Is xi kneel down to meet or phone or the other way? any news to confirm or comie dogs here forever lies to lick balls & worship their doggie master?
as below Xi kowtow & kneel down, same to wangyi!!!
no one F care of china or give a shit to china these days!!!




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