Alam Kok, see the fire in the west. Karma for China or the west?

All their rivers dried.  

全球陷「水火兩重天」!西班牙野火噬車 美死亡谷驚見千年異象洪水大爆發?-馬西屏 康仁俊【57爆新聞 精選】   


Alam Kok and his clones are so happy saying China very high temperature, kena karma.  

Then how about Europe, UK and US, the wild fire  is worse, right?   

What karma is that? Why never say?  


[Image: Fire01.png]

[Image: Fire02.png]


(22-08-2022, 07:17 PM)kokee Wrote:  more hot weather, more drought, more electricity cut off across china, more food shortage, more jobless, more bankrupt, more covid, more disastrous in china today!

疫情、高溫乾旱 、山火籠罩中國大陸;貴州赤水山火、四川巴南山火,都快燒到主城區


comie dogs dont BS china 18 months of food stock, with current drought once global cut off china food supply, china has not enough food within weeks to  months!


China is running out of electricity!


(23-08-2022, 01:34 PM)kokee Wrote:  comie dogs dont BS china 18 months of food stock, with current drought once global cut off china food supply, china has not enough food within weeks to  months!


[Image: FC17-A75-E-BB2-E-440-D-8485-99-D149-F2947-F.jpg]

[Image: 2-B1-F8753-C6-B7-4-A8-E-AA90-0320582-F1-AA6.jpg]
Everybody’s know you are moronic kokee king of lies bullshit and know nuts hor 

Moronic kokee still preaching Falun Gong hor very evil and very dark one

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