Almost 900 migrating birds die after crashing into Chicago buildings

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Mike Bedigan
Sat, 7 October 2023 at 7:49 am SGT

Ornithology enthusiasts in Chicago were left stunned by a “major bird collision” in the city, which has left hundreds of the animals dead.


the total number of birds collected on Thursday eventually totalled nearly 900.


the scenes outside McCormick Place was like “a carpet of dead birds at the windows”.

“A normal night would be zero to 15 (dead) birds. It was just kind of a shocking outlier to what we’ve experienced,” Mr Willard said.

“In 40 years of keeping track of what’s happening at McCormick, we’ve never seen anything remotely on that scale.”


The American Bird Conservancy estimates 1 billion birds a year die from colliding with glass, with window strikes known to be an issue in almost every major US city.

Birds do not see clear or reflective glass and do not understand it is a lethal barrier. When they see plants or bushes through windows or reflected in them, they head for them, killing themselves in the process.

Birds that migrate at night, like sparrows and warblers, rely on the stars to navigate. Bright lights from buildings both attract and confuse them, leading to window strikes or birds flying around the lights until they die from exhaustion — a phenomenon known as fatal light attraction

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