American Suburbs are UGLY and We Should Be Ashamed


It's OK.

Assmerica has many people like Kokee who are busy painting beautiful pictures of Assmerica for the world to see! Laughing  Rotfl

open some kopitiam and selling chap cai png at these areas sure can make big bucks

when I was there, everyday eat McDonald's, burger king, kfc, ... until very rounded

(29-06-2022, 12:10 PM)cityhantam Wrote:  It's OK.

Assmerica has many people like Kokee who are busy painting beautiful pictures of Assmerica for the world to see! Laughing  Rotfl

Kokee should go America and one day be shot by America. 


how about this china village, children need to climb hours to go to school & return.

感受中國四川懸崖村:孩子上學爬“天梯”身後萬丈深淵 多名村民摔死


(29-06-2022, 12:38 PM)webinarian Wrote:  Kokee should go America and one day be shot by America. 


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