American Voters : Whether you like Kamala Harris or not, Trump has to be stopped.

This guy is a sore loser.who tried  to over turn a defeat using violence. Never mind his conviction crimes against women and the state.

He would lie every day so long as it serves his purpose
His character is very poor willing to insult and call.people names "sleep joe" "Osama Obama" , "Crooked Hillary" etc.

I think such a person is not suitable even as a security guard  let alone a president.

The man has no decency and poses a danger to the world .
says his own niece.

She has a PhD in psychology ...she warns he is dangerous - last election he caused a riot to overturn the election results. 

Peopel already warn so it is unwise to ignore the warnings.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

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