American institute to test universal flu vaccine

The US National Institutes of Health (NIH) have begun testing an experimental universal flu vaccine, which is going to be more effective than the existing vaccine.

BPL-1357 contains strains of avian flu. “All influenza A viruses in humans are ultimately derived from the wild avian viral pool, which is very extensive and diverse antigenically and genetically”, explains Dr Taubenberger.

“The BPL-1357 candidate influenza vaccine being tested in this clinical trial performed very well in pre-clinical studies and we look forward to learning how it performs in people”, Anthony S. Fauci adds.

“Every year a large number of doses of the influenza virus vaccines are actually thrown out because the next year, components have to be reevaluated”, he points out.

“A universal vaccine”, he says, “could be defined as a vaccine that you don’t have to take every year, maybe only once in a lifetime“.

American institute to test universal flu vaccine –

First check where the leakage is in USA bio labs


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