Analyst: America seeks to buy time and reassure the Arab Gulf states

Jordan: She indicated that the first stop will be to the Emirates, after which it will head to Qatar, the Sultanate of Oman, Egypt, Jordan, and Israel, with the possibility of adding other stops.

If Liv is looking for answers, “the answer is in Washington. The Arab position is clear and was expressed by His Majesty the King at the Cairo Peace Conference and on more than one occasion and by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and we heard from Egypt, Saudi Arabia and other countries,” according to Al-Sharif’s speech in an interview on Al-Balad Radio.

With regard to Qatar, there are Qatari attempts regarding the prisoners held by Hamas, and yesterday there was talk about Israel agreeing to release minors and women from Israeli detention centers in exchange for the release of a certain number of Hamas prisoners. Perhaps this will be the topic that Barbara Leaf will discuss in Doha,” according to The honorable.

Regarding Lev’s visit to the Sultanate of Oman, Al-Sharif believes that “there may be some kind of attempt to contact Iran, but the Iranian position so far is not completely clear.”

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Analyst: America seeks to buy time and reassure the Arab Gulf states - by theold - 27-10-2023, 02:12 PM

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