Angela Merkel has urged world leaders not to discount Putin’s words

She ish actually one of the main culprit of building up Putin ego and ambition through out the years. Her whole career ish like bowing down to Russia and very eager in weakening NATO defense and will to fight.

That why some said that horse in Taiwan ish actually the Taiwan version of her.

There was a time when the country asked ordinary men to do extraordinary things.

But now, they'll only do it for money.

(29-09-2022, 03:16 PM)Soulhacker Wrote:  She ish actually one of the main culprit of building up Putin ego and ambition through out the years. Her whole career ish like bowing down to Russia and very eager in weakening NATO defense and will to fight.

That why some said that horse in Taiwan ish actually the Taiwan version of her.

actually the " Mainstream , Whole world is Mis lead the Mass put Russia as the bad guy who mess up the world actually is NOT The Russia " In fact I admire Putin no wonder he is different from the rest of the world leaders " which a lot are followers "

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