(11-08-2022, 10:48 AM)kokee Wrote: G7 warn china now, if destroy peace in taiwan, then cut off totally from china, dont recognized china, no more 1 china policy, that means G7 will recognized taiwan openly as a country & independent!
china is enemy of the world today!
解讀G7一中政策但書:非和平對台 可取消可斷交中共
(30-06-2022, 09:07 AM)kokee Wrote: below is niubee, wet dream till he died, taiwanese live happily with their freedom & right another few thousands yrs after this old fool died.
asking nonsense, dream rubbish.
below also all the comie dogs here, all know who they are.
(11-08-2022, 11:30 AM)kokee Wrote: all these moronic comie dogs here, in your wet dream & till the day all your grandosn died, taiwan already an independent country & china has no one recognized anymore!Bankrupt loser kokee howling jealous
all these know nut comie liars here!
(27-06-2022, 09:51 AM)kokee Wrote: comie dog, cityhantam used ton of this idiot cideo to con or brainwash morons here 7/24.
such human rubbish spam ton of lies & BS for $$, lick & worship doggie master for $$, no truth & fact, as long as dictator happy, truth is BS to these dogs, same to all comie dogs here.
almost 100% of cityhantam communist video are such calibre, same shit for $$, almost 100% fo all used nny comie dogs here.
(11-08-2022, 06:36 PM)kokee Wrote: this moron 司马南, comie dogs master but a real dog kena chase like pariah everywhere, cityhantam like to use his fake communist source as lie to con or brainwash morons here!
this dog his beloved country is US! all these moronic comie dogs & their supporters here, real slavey!
all these communist creators by comie dogs above, like my above post, china people died for $$ in their whole life, everything they do is for money, legal or illegal, lick balls or sell away their country, all for $$, same to all comie dogs here yet still got morons here believe all these dogs, worse than dogs, totally inhuman.
(24-08-2022, 01:39 PM)kokee Wrote: all these moronic comie dogs & their brainless supporters here!
although Ukraine is winning & defeating russia now, Ukraine going to capture crimea soon, but which country in the world today ask their civillians to go & visit Ukraine today?
wait till the war over, wait till russia surrender! LOL LOL!
Zelenskyy vows to fly Ukrainian flag in occupied territories and free them of Russia rule
Russia Withdraws from Crimea!
(25-08-2022, 06:17 PM)kokee Wrote: all these moronic comie dogs & their brainless supporters here, wet drem to conquer the world 7/24, russia lost till pantless in Ukraine today, china useless & balless rubbish, dare not even fark 1 sound in taiwan.
whole w orld is waiting for chna to attack taiwan & end ccp immediately, this xxx bark non stop but no action forever for 73 yrs now, give them another 7300 yrs also balless xxx!
china, axis of evil of today world!
today US & the whole world together with taiwan surrounding china!
all these moronic comie liars here & their fake & BS!
china surround taiwan? my foot! whole world surround china instead! watch below youtube!
china totally balless & useless to start anyhting in taiwan straits after russia lost till pantless in Ukraine with global help!
below tell you how powerful is US military, china is totally no fight yet still has easily another 40 country behind US & most of these country can take down china easily!