Another Color Revolution FAILED : Mongolia! More by Assmerica?

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Thousands protest corruption, inflation in Mongolia

Thousands braved freezing temperatures in Mongolia's capital on Monday to protest alleged corruption in the country's coal industry and soaring inflation, an AFP journalist said.

Protesters, many of them young people, rallied in Ulaanbaatar's central Sukhbaatar Square -- home to the Government Palace -- in minus 21 degrees Celsius (minus six degrees Fahrenheit), demanding "justice" be meted out against corrupt officials and calling for the country's parliament to be dismissed.

"Karma is a bitch," one protester's sign read.

"Help us our country is collapsing," read another.

Two herders told AFP they had travelled to the capital to join Monday's protests.

Police urged the protesters to disperse by 9 pm local time (1300 GMT) as the mood turned tense and scuffles broke out with demonstrators.

Protesters are frustrated with the country's ailing economy, with inflation soaring to 15.2 percent in the wake of Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

But public outrage has also been stoked by whistleblower claims that a so-called "coal faction" of lawmakers with ties to the industry has stolen billions of dollars worth of the sedimentary rock.

In mid-November, Mongolia's anti-corruption authority announced that over 30 officials -- including the CEO of the state-owned coal mining company Erdenes Tavan Tolgoi -- were under investigation for embezzlement.

Yet another case of 物极必反..Why do things so extreme and cannot exercise self control meh.

From Iran where a young woman killed by the now defunct moral police to this. Why must abuse your power to the extent of hitting and eventually killing the girl.

Saw the clip of this policeman in China trying to grab a woman mobile but the she kept resisting, policeman try to use force then his colleague alerted him to the cameras taking video around them. Then he stopped acting garang.

When things reach an extreme, they can only move in the opposite direction  vomit (Chinese idiom Wu jibi fan)our society should understand this very well, it's in our language psyche.  It  applies also in  physics and definitely in political science .

Where power and control over the country resources and people  must  have its checks and balances to avoid such situations  happening so as not to destabilize the country .

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Who is behind? 
Who else? 
CIA probably has a hand.
[+] 3 users Like Migrant's post

(06-12-2022, 08:54 PM)Migrant Wrote:  Who is behind? 
Who else? 
CIA probably has a hand.

President Xi will visit Saudi, what will happened?

【頭條開講】攻打國家宮!成吉思汗後代火大!蒙古國650萬噸煤礦竟然消失了!北京緊繃神經看待蒙古緊急狀態 20221206@HeadlinesTalk

The turmoil in Mongolia is clearly aimed at China

Ironically Singapore a more democratic society has banned protest and protesters are to be prosecuted...

In UK, our ex colonial master, unions will lead their workforce to walkouts and stop work protest for better terms.

In Sg our so call union (NTUC?) is but a govt mouth piece and frankly no union ever led us to any protest or stood up for the workforce other than checking out on retrenchment benefits etc.

Singapore is more communist than the Communist countries.. lol

There has been uprising against bad leaders since time immemoria.

Looks like the people are protesting against poor governance and corruption.

Lousy leaders like to blame.outsiders for their problems. Color revolutions or not is their own incompetent and greed that cause people to rise up

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

(22-12-2022, 07:22 AM)Sticw Wrote:  Ironically Singapore a more democratic society has banned protest and protesters are to be prosecuted...

In UK, our ex colonial master, unions will lead their workforce to walkouts and stop work protest for better terms.

In Sg our so call union (NTUC?) is but a govt mouth piece and frankly no union ever led us to any protest or stood up for the workforce other than checking out on retrenchment benefits etc.

Singapore is more communist than the Communist countries.. lol
Is little dot govt so corrupted and a need to protest? Any difference can be settle in amicable way. Peace and security attract more foreign investors to invest.What is the duty of  opposition party MP in parliament?

(22-12-2022, 07:34 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  There has been uprising against bad leaders since time immemoria.

Looks like the people are protesting against poor governance and corruption.

Lousy leaders like to blame.outsiders for their problems. Color revolutions or not is their own incompetent and greed that cause people to rise up

Another Color Revolution FAILED!  Laughing


(22-12-2022, 07:34 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  There has been uprising against bad leaders since time immemoria.

Looks like the people are protesting against poor governance and corruption.

Lousy leaders like to blame.outsiders for their problems. Color revolutions or not is their own incompetent and greed that cause people to rise up

Must b CIA stirring behind lah


(06-12-2022, 10:50 AM)Diamonaire Wrote:  Yet another case of 物极必反..Why do things so extreme and cannot exercise self control meh.

From Iran where a young woman killed by the now defunct moral police to this. Why must abuse your power to the extent of hitting and eventually killing the girl.

Saw the clip of this policeman in China trying to grab a woman mobile but the she kept resisting, policeman try to use force then his colleague alerted him to the cameras taking video around them. Then he stopped acting garang.

Must be like sinkie land. Little India ceca riot, SPF chose to do min. If ccp, maybe call in the tanks and roll over the Ceca already.

1. I have served the nation in a combat unit for 2.5 + 10 years. I had fulfilled my duty as a citizen, but has the country do it's part for me?
2. I don't know where the threat of CCP is, but I know the threat of CECA is already at my doorsteps
3. I had been called a CCP, JHK, Pinoy, but they never called me a CECA..

Why fascist parties like CCP not allowed to blame outside for own mistakes?

You think they should not have chance to survive as a party??

(22-12-2022, 07:34 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  There has been uprising against bad leaders since time immemoria.

Looks like the people are protesting against poor governance and corruption.

Lousy leaders like to blame.outsiders for their problems. Color revolutions or not is their own incompetent and greed that cause people to rise up

Ppl's problems let them resolve by themselves lah, why you want to interfer? Do you do that to yr neighbours? No right?


The usual, Assmericunt stirring shite .... just because Disunited SHite of Assmericunt is decaying, it want the rest of the world to follow them to hell

KTV妹妹说,香港人无义,台湾人无情,新加坂人无智 Big Grin
[+] 1 user Likes Tangsen's post

(08-05-2023, 10:38 AM)Tangsen Wrote:  The usual, Assmericunt stirring shite .... just because Disunited SHite of Assmericunt is decaying, it want the rest of the world to follow them to hell

You are right. One point for you!  Big Grin

野猫论政 537:蒙古国恢复回鹘文背后的中国元素


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