Imee Marcos: Her family has suffered enough for decades

In an interview over ANC, Marcos dismissed claims that her word war with Romualdez over the latest Charter change move was just a “family squabble.”

“This is no mere family squabble. We’re talking about the Republic and the Constitution, and the heart and soul of democracy here in our country,” Marcos said.

“We are the most fortunate family on earth. We really fought hard for this second chance 36 years since we were exiled. Perhaps this is the last chance for my family to redeem itself,” Marcos said. “Family ties no longer have anything to do with this.”

Why didn't she say that the family had been enjoying the country's wealth for decades?

Before: At your service; After: Serves you right!
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I always wonder how the filipinos could bring themselves to vote in Marcos again. They deserve what they get, no more complaints from them.

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Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia all bros sistas


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