Any one encountered a case of money borrowing from oil rig?

An old colleague told me about a lady who had business on oil rig. She had a custom restriction for a spare pump she imported that must be settled before she can install the pump to resume her work on oil rig.   

She needed US$ 14,000+ to settle. She also let him have access to her bank account with more than US$ 6 mil in it which at the moment is freezed. My friend has access with password to the account. He also gave the password to me to access.   

My colleague friend asked me to lend the money and once the problem is solved, the lady will pay back 10 times the money lent.  

I told my colleague I already deleted the password given and I won't deal with this matter.  

Any one had such encounter?  


Can forget about such thing. What you did is right!

She will say the oil rig in Russia or faraway places right


This kind with so many obvious bullshxt also want to come out to cheat. Unfortunately still got people fall for it........ Rolleyes

 Thinking is difficult, that's why most people judge
                    Carl Jung

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