China's economy grows, but youth unemployment refuses to fall

China's economy grows, but youth unemployment refuses to fall
1) In Q1 2023, the Chinese economy grew by 4.5% year-on-year*, falling behind the official target of 5%.

2) In March 2023, Chinese retail sales increased by 10.6% year-on-year, exceeding the 7.5% forecast. In turn, exports grew by 14.8%.

3) However, youth unemployment* remains high. 19.6% of the Chinese aged 16 to 24 are jobless.
1) The booming retail sales reflect the rise in consumer demand following the end of the COVID-19 lockdown. Boosted consumption increases aggregate demand, causing the expansion of production in the economy.

2) Furthermore, growing Chinese exports are a constituent of aggregate demand. Hence, they promote output growth. However, analysts expect the export growth to slow down in the following months amid the recession in the West. Weak economic expansion in the U.S. and Europe will reduce demand for Chinese goods, hindering exports.

3) Despite the strong GDP growth, youth unemployment in China remains high. That is because Chinese economic growth is largely attributed to non-labour-intensive* economic sectors (e.g. IT and financial services).

It's hard to believe there is 4.5% growth and unemployment staying so high.

Large number of layoffs from tech sector when CCP went after tech firms.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

(21-04-2023, 07:58 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  It's hard to believe there is 4.5% growth and unemployment staying so high.

Large number of layoffs from tech sector when CCP went after tech firms.

Stop posting misinformation/disinformation!

china need to create more job type.

like monitoring usa politician who are anti china.
understand why these politician are against russia and china?
investigating the benefits that these politician gets out of being anti china.

expose them so that usa and china relationship are not hijact by these politician.

in the sensor against hk only a few 10s of politician were in favour. but the whole of usa voted to do it.

so don't fight against the entire usa populations. fight against the very few politicians who put on the armour of entire usa government to direct a much bigger force then they really are to fight china for their own interest.

there must be also many others who benefits out of good relationship with china. work with these. fight with the few who is against china . not against the entire usa government.

the same with taiwan.

some forces behind must have work very hard to install the pro independent from an unknown party to replace the then government who favour unifications. basically that was where china has lost the battle. work on it.

potentially these are the people who may be against china

1. arms maker. they are now enjoying exploded demand from the ukraine war that was instagated.
many unkraine people die due to their ideas. real or for their benfits. if it is their love one who is send to war wonder what will be their thinking. arms maker will have a lot more money to instigate a lot more conflict. beware.

2. people has lost love ones during the korean war. but think many has gone to a better heaven.

3. people who are genuine to worry about china taking over usa as world number one in many things.
but real strength comes by making oneself more able not by throwing knifes at others.
they wasted the won position in being the world currency exchange platform, soon the world currency status.
they wasted their sale of advance electronic and is encouraging china to come up with their own version. world will have different version later as they will start from different thinking.
look at japan, they try to be best of product then now the only in the product and they continue to be better.

China Unemployment Rate remained the same at 5.50% in Dec 2022, from the previously reported figure of 5.50% in Sep 2022.

..... aged 16 to 24 are jobless.


These are mainly students!


Why don't they report that those between 10 to 15 yr-old are 100% jobless!  Rotfl

Really cok report!

Financial T under Japenis is really cok!


China considers those working one hour per week as employed.

Quote:Officially, a person is considered employed as long as they have undertaken more than one hour of paid work in a week, including those who receive wages while on holiday or some other temporary stoppage.

The number of newly created urban jobs is another indicator followed closely by Beijing. But in reality, the data series is not complete.

The figures do not record the number of positions that have been lost, so they do not show the net change in the number of jobs available at any one time, according to Cai Fang, a renowned Chinese demographer and adviser to the People’s Bank of China.

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