Apple and Tesla Will Eventually Lose the Markets As They Are Not Innovative At All

iPhone is expensive and has no new & useful features other than size or material after every new release while its competitors like Xiaomi and Samsung smartphones always have many new features release after release…one of the latest features is realtime language interpretation, when you talk to a Japanese customer in English your voice will be automatically changed to Japanese, when Japanese customer responds in Japanese you hear English instead of Japanese on your phone.

Similarly Tesla only has primitive features while its competitors like BYD has much more to offer, things like facial recognition for unlocking the car and AI auto seats self adjustment to different drivers or passengers based on body build or size when you sit in. Leather seats with the best interior design by world’s top car interior designer.

They show signs of leaders losing directions and team running out of innovations

That's right.

Nowadays Apple is just copying from the Chinese.

Elon Musk is just another noisy trumpet like Donald Trump.

Tim Cook hasn't done anything innovative since he took over from Steve. But I think Elon did try to be innovative.

Ignore List: Oyk

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