As Singapore society ages, who will care

PAP has never made SG inclusive for the poor or the elderly.

Wasn't it ex- MP Khaw who wanted to build nursing homes in JB?

There are many lapses in eldercare and we are still 30 YEARS behind other developed countries.

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

(01-02-2022, 04:05 PM)Ola Wrote:  PAP has never made SG inclusive for the poor or the elderly.

Wasn't it ex- MP Khaw who wanted to build nursing homes in JB?

There are many lapses in eldercare and we are still 30 YEARS behind other developed countries.

If you are single and have at least a brother or sister visiting...or a nephew or niece, then good on you.

If you live alone, one day you might be admitted to a NURSING HOME when you are unable to do a few ADL on your own, like showering, feeding, ambulating.

If you have visitors, and the staff know it, or if you have no visitors, and the staff also know it, you know how your life will be....

The most likely place for a bbfa and dinobu to die is the nursing home.

Once they go inside, the only time they come out for good is when they die.

Given a choice, Singaporeans want to age in place ie grow old, and pass away in their own homes.

Given a choice, I said. But there is no choice. If you are single, who looks after you when you have a stroke or lost two legs to diabetes? Or are too old to even stand up and walk to the market?

Our Govt doesn't care

Majority will receive average $350 CPF payout till 85

Blame it on yrself for playing backsides .. .how to have kids? No kids, where got yr own flesh blood to take care of yr old age?

Enjoy now, must suffer lah during yr long twilight yrs...

To offset yr pain , suffering, boredom etc , u must have enuf insurance coverage for all kinds of geriatric diseases, $$$ cash, savings , annuities, rentals etc for old folks or nursery homes...never cheap with inflation creeping up every yr ..

Bottom line :: .$$ is never enuf for old age!

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Can die cannot sick. 
Song Boh! crying

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

If possible best to form a goup of elder friends when old and together stay thailand enjoying drinks n food and take care each other..while collecting rental from flst in SG.

(01-02-2022, 06:01 PM)Sharexchange Wrote:  If possible best to form a goup of elder friends when old and together stay thailand enjoying drinks n food and take care each other..while collecting rental from flst in SG.

This might be a good idea.......

(01-02-2022, 06:01 PM)Sharexchange Wrote:  If possible best to form a goup of elder friends when old and together stay thailand enjoying drinks n food and take care each other..while collecting rental from flst in SG.

and name it CPF club. (Chill Play Fun)..

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