Assmerica has 26 bioweapon labs in Ukraine with DANGEROUS VIRUS!

(11-03-2022, 06:08 AM)RiseofAsia Wrote:  How come Our MFA is so quiet? Thinking

Because time and again our MFA is being played out by the American administration like any of the other countries who supported them before and got “burned” too.

Therefore they are waiting to see what to say next…..because the more they say there is a highly chance more discoveries will disclose on the Americans. So better not say too much first otherwise they may show more of their already stupidity to Singaporeans and possibly to the world.

(09-03-2022, 10:03 AM)kokee Wrote:  all these bloody comie dog liars here like below their master.



commie dogs, here comes again to spread rumour & stir shit to western world. these dogs spam lies here non stop, norm.
all these moronic commie dogs bark nonsense to brainwash morons here 7/24, all these comie are total liars in this forum, almost lies in all their posts & thread title.
china & russia now are spreading rumour like below, totally shameless.
Russia used ton of chemical weapons in this war, dont talk about they bomb hospital, children & woman, very inhuman, other people life to putin is dirt.





(11-03-2022, 06:36 AM)kangtangman Wrote:  Because time and again our MFA is being played out by the American administration like any of the other countries who supported them before and got “burned” too.

Therefore they are waiting to see what to say next…..because the more they say there is a highly chance more discoveries will disclose on the Americans. So better not say too much first otherwise they may show more of their already stupidity to Singaporeans and possibly to the world.

This incident will give a tight slap to MFA.
Time for Vivian to step down.

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

World Economic Forum now beri sad
their Metaverse augmented reality cannot be built
no more rehypothecations
we r 3D consciousness with endless posibilities
needed by them to build their Metaverse now in danger of failure
needless to say Robodogs like those in Singapore Robots AI no need to think
all useless. Of cos now cannot kill Humans they r the Energy dat we feed on.

[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-03-11-04-58-51.png]

[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-03-11-04-59-44.png]
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-03-10-15-46-38.png]

Today Ruble is back by Gold
they can't even even bring it down.
Putin will buy cheap
U have the situation oil rising gold rising ruble cannot be put down
petrodollar is s h i ting in her pants.
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-03-11-06-55-07.png]

kokee salah not correct

[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-03-11-07-12-41.png]

salah means salah

comie dogs are real morons, bark lies can only brainwash morons.
ruble is worthless now back by gold? russian gold already confiscate by US, no more gold, ruble no more value?
value of currency has nothing to do with gold for now, all these know nut clowns.
Russia very near bankrupt, russia still can pay out pension or cpf today? where is all Russian cpf money? dont talk about cpf, even russian money in banks today can withdraw as they like?
whose pant full of shit now? china & russia. all these moronic comie dogs here.
china foreign ministry even step out to say US biolab in Ukraine, let see they still have balls to BS or lies more about it, this balless liar.


[+] 1 user Likes kokee's post

wat means
Mati of Klaus schwab WEF' metaverse
needless to say covid19 also siliao

[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-03-11-07-46-25.png]

covid Mati cintaku

[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-03-10-15-46-38.png]

(11-03-2022, 06:38 AM)RiseofAsia Wrote:  This incident will give a tight slap to MFA.
Time for Vivian to step down.

Our unaccountable government will never see anyone stepping down. So we should stop thinking about that. 

And these people despite knowing that they have done wrong, they will not step down. They continue to remain oblivion with their ignorance, as you clear point out. But for them to step down, dream harder. Notice I didn’t say “pray”….


(11-03-2022, 02:13 AM)cityhantam Wrote:  US admits there are ‘biological facilities’ in Ukraine | The Citizen

[Image: Screenshot-20220311-021156-com-android-c...780080.jpg]

Yes, US admit there are russian bio labs in ukraine now.

(11-03-2022, 03:28 PM)guffaw Wrote:  Yes, US admit there are russian bio labs in ukraine now.

Ya lor!

Putin sent in ghosts to set up the labs lor!  Rotfl

(09-03-2022, 08:53 AM)guffaw Wrote:  This is Russian fake news. Russian can't even win the battles now struggling.. how to find bio labs.

Show proof  Angry


(11-03-2022, 03:30 PM)cityhantam Wrote:  Ya lor!

Putin sent in ghosts to set up the labs lor!  Rotfl

You intelligence didnt tell you that russian took over those ukraine lab?

WASHINGTON (AP) — Pentagon slammed the door on Polish proposal providing Ukraine with MiG fighter, saying efforts against Russian invasion should be focused on more useful weaponry and the MiG transfer with a U.S. and NATO connection would run a “high risk” of escalating the war.

By rebuffing the proposal involving the the Polish jets, the Pentagon appeared anxious to move beyond what had become an awkward disconnect with a NATO ally at a time when President Joe Biden has stressed the need for a unified and coordinated response to Russia’s war.

The horrific truth about the biological research labs in Ukraine.  .


(11-03-2022, 04:53 PM)kokee Wrote:  moronic comie dogs here If you still has brain, will US put their top secret or any important thing of Biolab in Ukraine if any? brother of Russia & a ex-communist country.
all these real dogs, UN has not started anything, comie dogs here already got result & conclusion in their wet dream, lies & spam rumour to brainwash morons here using their lies & thread title play with word, all these dogs here stir shit, create fake story shamelessly, no baseline & bark any lies they like to with no limit tolick ccp balls with all the lies & fake here 7/24.
great, be more aggressive, more violence, go to street is even better, all these insane comie dogs here.

3.10 白宮警告俄或發動生物戰,趙立堅幫俄鋪墊散佈謊言

all these moronic comie dogs here, as above, people with common sense & logical thinking, no way for US to put any top secret or important Biolab technology or document in Ukraine as Ukraine is so closed to Russia, both in distance & relationship, it also a former communist country.

moronic comies here keep speculate & barking without knowing anything detail or truth, spam another 10 threads again, but no evidence or proof, just bark from their ass, same to Russia & china, spread rumour, now kena warn by US, all keep so quiet now.
If no proof or evidence or detail, keep your mouth shut till hard truth is out instead of lying another 100 posts here to show your stupidity. Typicalof moronic comie dogs here.

Kokee still on Falun Gong goonies hor nothing to post hor

China resolutely opposes development and use of bio-chemical weapons

Very evil!

Kokee, true or not?

(12-03-2022, 06:32 PM)cityhantam Wrote:  

China resolutely opposes development and use of bio-chemical weapons

Very evil!

Kokee, true or not?

Should test all bio weapons on Kokee whole family line. Clapping

[+] 1 user Likes Niubee's post


(12-03-2022, 05:50 PM)kokee Wrote:  all these moronic comie dogs here, as above, people with common sense & logical thinking, no way for US to put any top secret or important Biolab technology or document in Ukraine as Ukraine is so closed to Russia, both in distance & relationship, it also a former communist country.

moronic comies here keep speculate & barking without knowing anything detail or truth, spam another 10 threads again, but no evidence or proof, just bark from their ass, same to Russia & china, spread rumour, now kena warn by US, all keep so quiet now.
If no proof or evidence or detail, keep your mouth shut till hard truth is out instead of lying another 100 posts here to show your stupidity. Typicalof moronic comie dogs here.

got fact or information then bark, comie here create fake then shout like crazy dog, spam 50 same rubbish new threads to con & brainwash morons here 7/24 like hooligan, this moron think spm fake can become hard truth, that is why they work 24 hrs in rotation here, real moron.
already said use your pea brain, will US put their top secret in Ukrain biolab if any?
china & russia spread rumour & lies are norm, these evil, they only do all the bad things.




(11-03-2022, 02:13 AM)cityhantam Wrote:  US admits there are ‘biological facilities’ in Ukraine | The Citizen

[Image: Screenshot-20220311-021156-com-android-c...780080.jpg]

Yes, US admit there are russian bio labs in ukraine now.

I have seen this report quoted many times by many people here. It is really laughable.   Either these people have difficulty understanding the English language here or they are just trying to twist and turn,  mincing other people's words to insinuate the US has Bio Labs in Ukraine..  Maybe we should get a primary one student here,  read the above enclosures and then tell them about what the Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland was talking about.

[Image: C3jhbs8.gif]

When Russia and China say got US involvement in biolab in Ukraine, whole world say it's fake.

When US say COVID leak from China lab, whole world say it's true.

Be it Russia, China, US, all say but never show evidence.

1. I have served the nation in a combat unit for 2.5 + 10 years. I had fulfilled my duty as a citizen, but has the country do it's part for me?
2. I don't know where the threat of CCP is, but I know the threat of CECA is already at my doorsteps
3. I had been called a CCP, JHK, Pinoy, but they never called me a CECA..

这位女士说得对说得很好。 一班受教育程度低、知识有限的人倾向于相信阴谋论。 没知识, 真可怕。

Bio-warfare labs funded by the US were discovered by Russian troops in Ukraine.

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