Assmerica has 26 bioweapon labs in Ukraine with DANGEROUS VIRUS!

Unlike the Chinese FM who is just a bunch of idiots,  the Chinese UN rep correctly reflect what China wanted to say.


(12-03-2022, 05:50 PM)kokee Wrote:  all these moronic comie dogs here, as above, people with common sense & logical thinking, no way for US to put any top secret or important Biolab technology or document in Ukraine as Ukraine is so closed to Russia, both in distance & relationship, it also a former communist country.

moronic comies here keep speculate & barking without knowing anything detail or truth, spam another 10 threads again, but no evidence or proof, just bark from their ass, same to Russia & china, spread rumour, now kena warn by US, all keep so quiet now.
If no proof or evidence or detail, keep your mouth shut till hard truth is out instead of lying another 100 posts here to show your stupidity. Typicalof moronic comie dogs here.

comie dogs using communist sources of video  & news lie non stop here.
WHO & UN already make annoucement yet these dogs still bark from their ass, norm, nothing & no one can stop their lies here, as long as got morons believe they will spam, all these are real dogs.
these dogs spread rumour, stirt shit & spam lies here are norm already, almost in all their posts & threads.

United Nations Not Aware of Any Biological Weapons Programmes, Disarmament Chief Affirms as Security Council Meets to Address Related Concerns in Ukraine




US warn Russia& china on this moronic rumour of Ukraine biolab, russia & china so quiet now, their govt official dare not even fark now, so confirm is rumour & lies by these 2 evils.
but comie dogs here still spam new threads like crazy here, confirm lies, they still try so hard to brainwash morons here.
already said, US so dumb to put top secret Biolab in Ukraine? those who spam this rumour is real moron, if they say holland or denmark, then people unlikely to suspicious.



(14-03-2022, 03:17 PM)kokee Wrote:  US warn Russia& china 

(14-03-2022, 07:17 AM)kokee Wrote:  comie dogs 

Kokee, true or not? 

Does Ukraine Have Bioweapons? Ex-American Official Grilled by Arnab on US Funding in Ukraine

(09-03-2022, 10:36 AM)guffaw Wrote:  Nope. There was problem.

Don't know better update your knowledge first then come and talk. 

Don't waste time.

(14-03-2022, 06:28 PM)webinarian Wrote:  Don't know better update your knowledge first then come and talk. 

Don't waste time.

Fook you another stupid one, time waster.

So Stupid to argue that China man is richer than singaporean because they have high gdp.

(14-03-2022, 03:17 PM)kokee Wrote:  US warn Russia& china ...


US embassy already admitted having virus and is embarking on "Biological threat reduction program" .  

If no biological threat, why want to reduce threat?  

If US admitted, why u produce flg video to spread fake news. Really goon!!!  

[Image: Ukraine12.png]

not correct.

[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-03-14-18-33-00.png]
they are pathogens
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[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-03-14-18-35-57.png]
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I have covid fashion
kia liao
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-03-14-18-40-44.png]
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[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-03-14-18-44-39.png]
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[Image: C2-F1-B6-CF-30-FF-4931-AA8-E-CE0948-B5-F253.jpg]

Kokee your daddy very evil hor


(14-03-2022, 03:17 PM)kokee Wrote:  US warn Russia& china on this moronic rumour of Ukraine biolab, russia & china so quiet now, their govt official dare not even fark now, so confirm is rumour & lies by these 2 evils.
but comie dogs here still spam new threads like crazy here, confirm lies, they still try so hard to brainwash morons here.
already said, US so dumb to put top secret Biolab in Ukraine? those who spam this rumour is real moron, if they say holland or denmark, then people unlikely to suspicious.


all these moronic comie dpgs can  continue their lies, norm, they almostlies in all their post 100%.
use your head, will US put their top secret biolab in Ukraine? morons also say NO. 
all these comie dog are real joker clowns.




(09-03-2022, 08:55 AM)guffaw Wrote:  You should show proof to substantiate your fake news

Don't worry, evidence will be given by Russia.  

Just wait and see lor.  If not, why set up 336 biolabs in this world?


(15-03-2022, 07:24 AM)kokee Wrote:  all these moronic 

Kokee, do you know who she is?

[Image: IMG-20220314-WA0008.jpg]

U.S. officials admit to biological research in Ukraine

(15-03-2022, 07:30 AM)webinarian Wrote:  
Don't worry, evidence will be given by Russia.  

Just wait and see lor.  If not, why set up 336 biolabs in this world?


Obviously you don't know what is a bio lab. Please go read up and don't waste time.

(15-03-2022, 07:24 AM)kokee Wrote:  all these moronic comie dpgs can  continue their lies, norm, they almostlies in all their post 100%.
use your head, will US put their top secret biolab in Ukraine? morons also say NO. 
all these comie dog are real joker clowns.



as above, nothing to answeras confirm is rumour spread by Russia & chinatogether.
also only morons think US put their important or top secret technology or document in Biolab of Ukraine if any.
Ukraine just next Russia & used to be closedalliance of Russia.
US will only trust western world like holland with ASML or denmark with very strong Biomedical strength.
all these comie dogs can only create lies to BS non stop, norm.
[+] 1 user Likes kokee's post

(15-03-2022, 03:24 PM)kokee Wrote:  as above, 

Can you help Assmerica answer the questions?

China dares US to answer SIX QUESTIONS on its 26 enigmatic, military-funded biolabs in Ukraine!

Zhao Lijian: You said the US has been stressing that the facilities are for research purposes. I can tell you that the US response so far has been self-contradictory and perplexing. According to the 2005 agreement between the US Department of Defense and the Ukrainian side, representatives of the US Department of Defense have the right to participate in all aspects of related activities at facilities in Ukraine. Information marked or designated by the US side Department of Defense as “sensitive” should be withheld from public disclosure by Ukraine. According to the document the US submitted to the meeting of the state parties to the BWC at the end of 2021, the US has cooperation facilities in Ukraine including 26 labs.

We wonder, whether the US has sent its people? What specifically is the scope of activities? How many cooperation facilities are there? What kind of sensitive information about public health cannot be shared? Does the Ukrainian side know what the US has been working on in Ukraine?

If the information released by the US is self-contradictory and significantly flawed, how can the US convince the international community that it has indeed implemented obligations under the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC)? Despite the international consensus on ensuring compliance with verification, the US has been standing alone in obstructing the establishment of a BWC verification mechanism. That explains the international community’s suspicion over the bio-military activities of the US. 

For decades, the US readily points fingers at others and accuses them of noncompliance, saying that they should accept verification and even resorting to sanctions and military operations. However, when it comes to the US itself, it is refusing verification and trying to muddle through by simply saying “we are in compliance with the convention”. How is that? This is typical double standard. Moreover, given the credibility of the US, it is very difficult for it to win the trust of the international community. 

Once again we urge the US to act responsibly, offer a clear account of its biological military activities at home and abroad, and stop standing alone in obstructing the establishment of a BWC verification regime. This will help restore the international community’s confidence in the US’ fulfillment of its international obligations and strengthen global biosecurity.

(15-03-2022, 07:21 PM)theold Wrote:

Kokee, how?

Former Legislator Tweets "Evidence of Existence" of US Bio-labs in Ukraine

[Image: FA87-EF91-F65-D-404-E-9558-AE5-BDB2-A3-B7-A.png]
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How come SgBluffett so quiet now on this serious matter? Went into hiding again or deleting complete threads?
[+] 1 user Likes Sentinel's post

(16-03-2022, 01:07 AM)Sentinel Wrote:  How come SgBluffett so quiet now on this serious matter? Went into hiding again or deleting complete threads?

UN already concluded the hearing. Commies con are paid to be noisy.
[+] 1 user Likes guffaw's post

(16-03-2022, 08:28 AM)guffaw Wrote:  UN already concluded the hearing. Commies con are paid to be noisy.

Why is there a hearing?

There should be an inquiry

(16-03-2022, 01:07 AM)Sentinel Wrote:  How come SgBluffett so quiet now on this serious matter? Went into hiding again or deleting complete threads?
He just wants to stir sai for the stock market to collapse so that he can buy cheap. Don't fall into it.

(16-03-2022, 09:30 AM)Clyde Wrote:  He just wants to stir sai for the stock market to collapse so that he can buy cheap. Don't fall into it.

He's a piece of shit


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