Death By Loneliness

I really empathise with this JC student because I have been there myself. I was never a loner though I enjoy moments of solitude to eat, read or watch a movie without any distractions or company. However, I recall not having any close friends in JC for awhile because there were already cliques present. It took some time, but my initiative to make friends paid off in the long run as I managed to break into some of the cliques that were already formed. However, I also felt periods of loneliness while in a group when I found it difficult to join certain conversations. This student is finding it difficult to join others in his/her class because she may not be from an affiliated secondary school. There is no short cut to making friends; muster up the courage to ask if he/she can join them for lunch or an outing for example.   

There are several factors contributing to loneliness. We may be more connected by technology these days, but it appears that many of us feel more isolated. Social media may make us feel inadequate and disconnected. Viewing exaggerated and even fake photos and accounts of the lives of others online might not reflect reality. Many of us may feel our lives are boring in comparison. The fast pace of life in SG invariably leads to more independence and self-reliance; this makes it more difficult to connect and build strong relationships with others. City living may at times make us feel insignificant in a sea of people. Busy schedules also leave little time for socialising and building meaningful friendships.

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