At least one-tenth of Tory donations since 2010 are from property industry

Fiona Harvey, Michael Goodier, David Blood and Pamela Duncan
Wed 4 Oct 2023 05.00 BST

At least one-tenth of the money donated to the Conservative party and its MPs since 2010 has come from property developers, real estate tycoons and others connected to the construction industry, an exclusive Guardian analysis reveals.

Meanwhile, housebuilders and property developers have benefited by billions of pounds from delays to low-carbon building regulations in the past eight years. The delays mean homeowners and taxpayers will have to pay tens of billions of pounds to bring newly built homes up to low-carbon standards, and have resulted in years of unnecessarily high greenhouse gas emissions, and higher energy bills for residents.

The government is to implement fresh delays to green regulations, after the prime minister, Rishi Sunak, announced a rollback of net zero policies last month that will benefit housebuilders still further.

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