Audi’s EV naming lawsuit against NIO gets shot down in Europe

Audi EV naming lawsuit against NIO rejected in Europe

After initially seeing Chinese EV maker NIO in 2021, to protect the integrity of its S6 and S8 model names at the European Patent Office, a german court sided with Audi last month after a 15-month-long battle.

The German court ruled that two of NIO’s electric SUV models, the ES6 and ES8, sounded too closely to Audi’s existing S6 and S8 vehicle’s names.


德媒: 商标侵权 - 蔚来汽车赢! 欧盟知识产权局(EUIPO)驳回奥迪请求 奥迪尴尬 | 电动车款式NIO ES6 ES8

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