Aviation expert: plane landed safely wall killed them

Really sad. Year end catastrophe again.


Should put a net like fences lah....Changing Airport don't have walls at end of runway lah...

(30-12-2024, 08:28 AM)ysh02 Wrote:  Should put a net like fences lah....Changing Airport don't have walls at end of runway lah...
A steel cable like aircraft carrier

The pilots were beri heroic. Their actions managed to save 2 lives at least. Dint crash into any buildings or highways despite the dire situation.

Got 1 forummer suggest wire fence, I think next time mebbe need to bulid vertical nettings, sand pits and water pits to slow down emergency runway landings.

(30-12-2024, 11:53 AM)luncheonmeat Wrote:  The pilots were beri heroic. Their actions managed to save 2 lives at least. Dint crash into any buildings or highways despite the dire situation.

Got 1 forummer suggest wire fence, I think next time mebbe need  to bulid vertical nettings, sand pits and water pits to slow down emergency runway landings.

The ground emergency was supposed to deploy foam to cushion the aircraft according to one expert ...not sure what happened ...may be a lapse here also

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

So the fault is with the WALL???

WTF excuse is that?  Angry

I think the drastic speed of the plane crashing into the wall caused the explosion. If plane don't explode and burst into huge fire, many life cud hv survived.

(30-12-2024, 01:31 PM)cityhantam Wrote:  So the fault is with the WALL???

WTF excuse is that?  Angry
Design fault to put a wall near runway.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

(30-12-2024, 01:33 PM)sgbuffett Wrote:  Design fault to put a wall near runway.

So the aeroplane was "perfect"???  Thinking Laughing Rotfl

Should replace the wall with big gigantic sponge lah...

All these paper "experts". If the airplane had gone past the runway and crashed into the airport terminal building or residential buildings, the question they would ask is why there was no wall.
[+] 1 user Likes starbugs's post

(30-12-2024, 01:42 PM)pinkpanther Wrote:  Should replace the wall with big gigantic sponge lah...

Should replace it with a gigantic aquarium lah!!!

So that when that aeroplane hits the aquarium, tons of water will rush down to extinguish the fire mah!!!  Laughing

Talk is cheap and fun lor!  Rotfl
[+] 1 user Likes cityhantam's post

(30-12-2024, 01:31 PM)cityhantam Wrote:  So the fault is with the WALL???

WTF excuse is that?  Angry


as i had said earlier this tragedy  came at the right time to unit the koreans 
divert attention to impeached president acting president
when s korea is under the opp party rule japan n rest of the ne countries are affected

(30-12-2024, 01:51 PM)talky Wrote:  YES IT WAS THE WALL THAT CAUSED THE TRAGEDY

You mean the aeroplane was "faultless"?  Thinking

(30-12-2024, 01:49 PM)cityhantam Wrote:  Should replace it with a gigantic aquarium lah!!!

So that when that aeroplane hits the aquarium, tons of water will rush down to extinguish the fire mah!!!  Laughing

Talk is cheap and fun lor!  Rotfl

Actually you might hit jackpot yah. But gigantic tank must be built of non dangerous material eg rubber, PU, polycarbonate etc. Dan inside tank put gigantic foam soaked in water.  Clapping

Pilot actually landed plane in the reverse direction of the runway datz why got wall ahead.

I need to invite Scythian to comment on this. This guy has been KPKB on SIA for donkey months.

He could have saved the Jeju Air ppls...


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