Live Update from Ukraine: Traffic jams, no fuel, panic on the streets.

In watching the video, this lady does not seem in anxiety but rather calm. Very strange.

And the supermarket does not seem in chaos too, long queue but the people look calm too.

Looks like the Russians army are indeed not attacking the people, unlike the Americans and the western armies. They would already wipe out many buildings and people too. Just like those Middle East wars we get to read about.

Russia is bringing a different type of invasion that the Americans will never able to do. Because America will destroy everything in their path, that’s what they will do. Typically.

above real or fake, confirm yourself, whatever totally outdated youtube.
what happen to the 65 km of Russia army, no oil? surrender? no food?
1 death Russian army only compensate US$100, russian life so cheap? putin has US$200B? all these dictator idiot.



七路俄军大举进攻! 攻基辅的俄主力缺燃料食物,瘫了! 苏梅一部俄军丢弃战车逃跑! 哈尔科夫受到俄军重炮狂轰! 

七路俄军大举进攻! 攻基辅的俄主力缺燃料食物,瘫了! 苏梅一部俄军丢弃战车逃跑! 哈尔科夫受到俄军重炮狂轰!

Farking Kokee trying to encourage angmo cok sucking here.

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