[BREAKING] China CCP MILF governor jailed for Fvcking 58 staff + Corruption!!!

CCP Break world record for sex scandals 1 CCP Slut fvck 58 CCP corrupted dogs 遥遥领先!!! Clapping nudie Clapping nudie Gesti-109
[+] 2 users Like Jericho75's post

回来了,回来了。恭喜发财 Laughing


Wumaos here would have been dying to offer their dicks to this CCP aunty!

Okay so long as they catch and clear corruption

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

She got the chance to fvck and corrupt but you dun. How cum?

(01-10-2024, 02:45 PM)Coyote Wrote:  Wumaos here would have been dying to offer their dicks to this CCP aunty!
I bet Dog Emperor Pooh Xi also fvck her rotten pusssy before already.

In CCP, they are full of corrupted Slut wh0res and Slut Dogs, and Wumao Puppies, they always Fvck each others and do corruption things. It's just normal corrupted CCP culture . 😂
[+] 1 user Likes Jericho75's post

Aiya you so useless until nobody offers you anything? That’s aso quite cham

What you expect from Extremely TRIGGERED all uncultured ultimate amdk arse lickers stooge’s singing and dancing on reporting on China trivial news leh and they suck each other cunts extremely 9696 GAO GAO and love to bring their father and mother to forum hor LMAO
you all don't know meh your daddies beloved dogs lmao

[Image: joe-biden-cuddling-a-puppy-v0-1l45o2m53boa1.png]

https://media.tenor.com/bP2BF8uXXxgAAAAM...s-cage.gif https://media.tenor.com/1oBtT0cPvigAAAAM...ndrews.gif https://media.tenor.com/2JvATdKj2ngAAAAM...ughing.gif https://media.tenor.com/Vf8xGa_sMiYAAAAM...t-loud.gif https://media.tenor.com/RZBIKgKhw64AAAAM/pog-smile.gif

Some chose to be her lovers due to the advantages she offered, while others did so reluctantly as they feared her authority. She allegedly spent time with her lovers under the pretext of working overtime and going on business trips.


What men can do, she also can.

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

(01-10-2024, 05:18 PM)Ola Wrote:  Some chose to be her lovers due to the advantages she offered, while others did so reluctantly as they feared her authority. She allegedly spent time with her lovers under the pretext of working overtime and going on business trips.


What men can do, she also can.

厉害了!! nudie


Extremely triggered TS and brokeback gangs the ultimate amdk arse lickers stooge’s mental stupid hor correct or not arse lickers, correct right arse lickers stooge’s Lmaohttps://media.tenor.com/bP2BF8uXXxgAAAAM/triggered-nicolas-cage.gif https://media.tenor.com/1oBtT0cPvigAAAAM...ndrews.gif https://media.tenor.com/2JvATdKj2ngAAAAM...ughing.gif https://media.tenor.com/Vf8xGa_sMiYAAAAM...t-loud.gif https://media.tenor.com/RZBIKgKhw64AAAAM/pog-smile.gif

Aiya 没有淫乱怎会生出那么多二毛仔呢? Laughing

CCP officials fuxking one another group sex

[Image: original.jpg]

https://media.tenor.com/bP2BF8uXXxgAAAAM...s-cage.gif https://media.tenor.com/1oBtT0cPvigAAAAM...ndrews.gif https://media.tenor.com/2JvATdKj2ngAAAAM...ughing.gif https://media.tenor.com/Vf8xGa_sMiYAAAAM...t-loud.gif https://media.tenor.com/RZBIKgKhw64AAAAM/pog-smile.gif Upz

LOL KNN WUMAO ☝🏿 Laughing

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Extremely triggered Pundek babi Bumiboy the ultimate amdk arse lickers stooge’s Lmao 

https://media.tenor.com/bP2BF8uXXxgAAAAM...s-cage.gif https://media.tenor.com/1oBtT0cPvigAAAAM...ndrews.gif https://media.tenor.com/2JvATdKj2ngAAAAM...ughing.gif https://media.tenor.com/Vf8xGa_sMiYAAAAM...t-loud.gif https://media.tenor.com/RZBIKgKhw64AAAAM/pog-smile.gif

(01-10-2024, 08:13 PM)Coyote Wrote:  CCP officials fuxking one another group sex

[Image: original.jpg]

Is that OmniPisai88, ShittyHantam and Niu傻Bee ??? Omg Omg Omg
[+] 1 user Likes Jericho75's post

(01-10-2024, 02:45 PM)Coyote Wrote:  Wu

(30-09-2024, 10:48 AM)greentiger Wrote:  htt

(26-09-2024, 06:32 AM)Coyote Wrote:  htt

(28-09-2024, 10:37 AM)greentiger Wrote:  htt

(05-09-2024, 12:54 PM)greentiger Wrote:  ...

(21-08-2024, 04:35 AM)Jericho75 Wrote:  Look at

Stop wasting time!

Your beloved Assmerica's US$ 90 billion FAILED liao! 

$90 billion spent on disinformation about China, what did the US people get?


A 500-million-dollar business! America's state-sponsored anti-China propaganda

Huat ah, Assmerica!  Clapping Clapping 


US goes further to spend $300 million annually smearing China


Huat ah, Assmerica!!!!  Clapping Laughing 

Huat ah, Shitexchange!!!  Clapping  nudie

Huat ah, Jericok75!!!!  Laughter-68 

Huat ah, greenthaiger!!! Laughing

Huat ah, Koyokte! Fundance
More money on the way!

Huat ah!!!!  Gesti-109

Let's Talk About The USA's 1.6 Billion Dollar Countering China Bill - H.R. 1157 | Lee Barrett

【每日必看】台獨網軍"匿名者64"慘了?! 蔡正元預言中共下一步|陸控遭台「資通電軍」網攻 郭正亮發現一件怪事:很可怕 20240924

(03-10-2024, 09:36 PM)cityhantam Wrote:  Stop wasting time!

Your beloved Assmerica's US$ 90 billion FAILED liao! 

$90 billion spent on disinformation about China, what did the US people get?


A 500-million-dollar business! America's state-sponsored anti-China propaganda

Huat ah, Assmerica!  Clapping Clapping 


US goes further to spend $300 million annually smearing China


Huat ah, Assmerica!!!!  Clapping Laughing 

Huat ah, Shitexchange!!!  Clapping  nudie

Huat ah, Jericok75!!!!  Laughter-68 

Huat ah, greenthaiger!!! Laughing

Huat ah, Koyokte! Fundance
More money on the way!

Huat ah!!!!  Gesti-109

Let's Talk About The USA's 1.6 Billion Dollar Countering China Bill - H.R. 1157 | Lee Barrett

【每日必看】台獨網軍"匿名者64"慘了?! 蔡正元預言中共下一步|陸控遭台「資通電軍」網攻 郭正亮發現一件怪事:很可怕 20240924

https://media.tenor.com/2JvATdKj2ngAAAAM...ughing.gif https://media.tenor.com/2JvATdKj2ngAAAAM...ughing.gif https://media.tenor.com/Vf8xGa_sMiYAAAAM...t-loud.gif https://media.tenor.com/RZBIKgKhw64AAAAM/pog-smile.gif

Pundek Pukimak the ultimate amdk arse lickers stooge’s Extremely triggered TS and brokeback gangs the ultimate amdk arse lickers stooge’s mental stupid hor correct or not arse lickers, correct right arse lickers stooge’s Lmao
https://media.tenor.com/B2DtNN-6l90AAAAM...finger.gif https://media.tenor.com/bP2BF8uXXxgAAAAM...s-cage.gif https://media.tenor.com/1oBtT0cPvigAAAAM...ndrews.gif https://media.tenor.com/Vf8xGa_sMiYAAAAM...t-loud.gif https://media.tenor.com/2JvATdKj2ngAAAAM...ughing.gif https://media.tenor.com/ltJVPulpYusAAAAM...o-edmw.gif
[+] 1 user Likes Omnipresent88's post

that's why i never trust those politician and those in power. no need to see other country. at home also got liao lor... 天下乌鸦一般黑 la

I am just a tiny plankton in the ocean.
[+] 1 user Likes Rainforest's post

Aiya everyone is corruptible. Ermaos no chance to corrupt because of low ses so nobody would offer anything to them

They sit at home whole day duno what to do. Who so crazy to bribe them?

(01-10-2024, 02:27 PM)Jericho75 Wrote:  https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/east-a...corruption
CCP Break world record for sex scandals 1 CCP Slut fvck 58 CCP corrupted dogs 遥遥领先!!! Clapping nudie Clapping nudie Gesti-109

Sour grapes lah! Big Grin You no chance jealous lah!

(14-10-2024, 11:21 AM)Purikura Wrote:  How come third world china so many crimes and corruption lololololol Tongue Tongue Tongue

CCP governor so corrupted until need to suck 58 ah tiong cocks like wumao to survive lololololol!

Why third world china so dirty and sick? Tongue Tongue Tongue

How come u are gay?


(03-10-2024, 09:36 PM)cityhantam Wrote:  Stop wasting time!

Your beloved Assmerica's US$ 90 billion FAILED liao! 

$90 billion spent on disinformation about China , what did the US people get?

https://www.helsinkitimes.fi/china-news/...-sponsored -anti-china-propaganda.html

A 500-million-dollar business! America's state-sponsored anti-China propaganda

Huat ah, Assmerica!  Clapping Clapping 


US goes further to spend $300 million annually smearing China


Huat ah, Assmerica!!!!  Clapping Laughing 

Huat ah, Shitexchange!!!   Clapping  nudie

Huat ah , Jericok75!!!!   Laughter-68 

Huat ah, greenthaiger!!!  Laughing

Huat ah, Koyokte! Fundance
More money on the way!

Huat ah!!!!  Gesti-109

Let's Talk About The USA's 1.6 Billion Dollar Countering China Bill - HR 1157 | Lee Barrett

[Daily Must-Read] Taiwan independence cyber army "Anonymous 64" is in trouble?! Tsai Cheng-yuan predicts the next step of the CCP | Mainland control was attacked by Taiwan's "Information and Communications Electronics Army" Guo Zhengliang discovered a strange thing: very scary 20240924

https://media.tenor.com/NfLOr7gAFDwAAAAM...illies.gif https://media.tenor.com/B2DtNN-6l90AAAAM...finger.gif https://media.tenor.com/2JvATdKj2ngAAAAM...ughing.gif https://media.tenor.com/Vf8xGa_sMiYAAAAM...t-loud.gif https://media.tenor.com/f6L44Yybyd8AAAAM...-dance.gif Upz


How come third world china so many crimes and corruption lololololol Tongue Tongue Tongue

CCP governor so corrupted until need to suck 58 ah tiong cocks like wumao to survive lololololol!

Why third world china so dirty and sick? Tongue Tongue Tongue

(03-10-2024, 09:36 PM)cityhantam Wrote:  Stop wasting time!

Your beloved Assmerica's US$ 90 billion FAILED liao! 

$90 billion spent on disinformation about China, what did the US people get?


A 500-million-dollar business! America's state-sponsored anti-China propaganda

Huat ah, Assmerica!  Clapping Clapping 


US goes further to spend $300 million annually smearing China


Huat ah, Assmerica!!!!  Clapping Laughing 

Huat ah, Shitexchange!!!  Clapping  nudie

Huat ah, Jericok75!!!!  Laughter-68 

Huat ah, greenthaiger!!! Laughing

Huat ah, Koyokte! Fundance
More money on the way!

Huat ah!!!!  Gesti-109

Let's Talk About The USA's 1.6 Billion Dollar Countering China Bill - H.R. 1157 | Lee Barrett

【每日必看】台獨網軍"匿名者64"慘了?! 蔡正元預言中共下一步|陸控遭台「資通電軍」網攻 郭正亮發現一件怪事:很可怕 20240924
TRIGGERED spotted Mental retard Pundek Pukimak and brokeback gangs the ultimate amdk arse lickers stooge’s you don't know meh your daddies Undisputed world class champions and you singing and dancing keep barking woof woof and sucking your daddies beloved dogs lmao mental stupid hor correct or not arse lickers stooge’s 
https://media.tenor.com/P5GXKg-uVhYAAAAM/triggered.gif https://media.tenor.com/1oBtT0cPvigAAAAM...ndrews.gif https://media.tenor.com/sttF8xY21_QAAAAM...y-hill.gif https://media.tenor.com/HhMNTjd_zgcAAAAM...n-dork.gif

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