Be smart : Make yourself a beneficiary of CECA

The world is not a static place.  It changes year to year 
depending on what leaders do, external environment and geo politics.

It is no point to debate if CECA is beneficial or not. Obviously everything has pros and cons. Those who support will only mention the pros and hide the cons. ...and vice versa.

Also it is here to stay so no matter what it cannot be changed without repucussions.

What we should do is make sure we are beneficiaries of the situation.

1.  Be a landlord and earn from these incoming professionals as they will need a place to stay.

2. Make use of CECA which allow India to export services to Singapore to be a reseller of these services e.g. to tie up with India partner to provide IT services to Singapore.

3. Sell things to them as they have buying power when they come here to work. Be it converting your shop to cater to their needs.

4. Re-export goods to India from Singapore where there is low tariffs.

I am here to facilitate discussion

TCSS only.

Talk big but reality small

Something like cannot beat them so join them?

Calvin C?

There is no right or wrong decisions. 
One only has to bear the consequences that one makes  Big Grin

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