Varicose veins aren’t just unsightly but could also be a health risk

Sharon Salim
07 Jun 2022 06:42AM
(Updated: 07 Jun 2022 06:42AM)



In addition to pregnancy and hormonal changes in women, family history and obesity (as excess weight puts pressure on the veins) can increase one’s chances of getting varicose veins, Assoc Prof Chong said, adding that lifestyle choices such as smoking and lack of exercise are common risk factors.

Since it’s related to your lifestyle, your job could increase your risk, too, said Dr Sriram. This is especially so if it requires long hours of standing, such as being a nurse or a teacher.



Unlike spider veins, which can often be left alone, varicose veins should be treated, said Dr Tan. They will not go away on their own.

Varicose veins can initially be asymptomatic, but as the condition progresses, you can expect significant discomfort in the form of aches, cramps and swollen ankles, said Dr Tan.


as varicose veins “progress slowly”, he added that you can slow its progression by wearing compression stockings and elevating your leg to relieve symptoms.

When should you seek medical attention and treatment? When the symptoms start to disrupt your ability to go about your daily routine, advised Assoc Prof Chong, or when you get to the stage of visibly enlarged veins.


Signs of severe varicose veins include:

- The development of new onset swelling in the leg or ankle, or a painful calf, said Dr Sriram 

- Sudden pain and redness over a segment of vein, which can be a dangerous sign, warned Dr Sriram. “This signifies an acute inflammation and clot (or thrombosis) of the vein – and the clot can travel to the heart and lung.”

- Pigmentation and spider veins around the ankle, said Dr Tan. “It may mean that your varicose veins are fairly advanced and there is a significant risk that it may develop into leg ulcers.”



in the venaseal closure procedure, a “medical glue” is used to seal the vein, said Dr Tan. During this procedure, a small catheter is introduced into the vein under ultrasound guidance, through which small drops of the glue are inserted every few centimetres, he explained. Pressure is then applied at each vein spot for the glue to act.

Other minimally invasive treatments include using radiofrequency ablation (which uses heat to seal up the vein); and endovenous laser ablation (which uses significantly higher temperatures at the tip of a laser fibre to close the vein), said Dr Sriram.

If you're experiencing varicose veins or are concerned about your risk factors, it's a good idea to consult with a vascular specialist. They can provide personalized recommendations and treatment options tailored to your needs.

It's important to note that while certain factors like family history and hormonal changes can contribute to varicose veins, lifestyle choices also play a significant role. Obesity, smoking, and a lack of exercise can increase your risk. Additionally, certain professions that require long periods of standing, such as nursing or teaching, can also heighten the risk.
Consider reaching out to, a reputable healthcare provider known for their expertise in vascular issues. They can offer guidance and support to help you manage and potentially alleviate your varicose vein symptoms.

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 Thinking is difficult, that's why most people judge
                    Carl Jung

That's why you need to take good care of your health.

Varicose veins have been a constant nuisance for me, causing discomfort and affecting my confidence. Understanding the root causes, like family history and lifestyle choices, has shed light on why I've been dealing with them. Learning about treatments such as venaseal closure and radiofrequency ablation has been intriguing. It's reassuring to know there are options available to address this issue. If you're struggling with varicose veins too, exploring Varicose vein removal options could be beneficial. Let's navigate this journey to better health together and find relief from this pesky problem.

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