Bible clearly Prophesied the current Pandemic and the effects

Take a look at what is happening today.

Here are some of the Bible prophecies that are being fulfilled. 

Go thru the following

1. The songs in the temple will go away.
(Amos 8: 3)

2. The corpses are so numerous that they are thrown away. 
(Amos 8: 3)

3. The earth will shake (Amos 8: 8)

4. The Festivals and Celebrations become sad. 
(Amos 8:10)

5. Bitter days ahead.
Amos 8:10

6. You will not be able to hear the Word.
Amos 8:11, 12

7. In that day “the lovely young women and strong young men will faint because of thirst.
Amos 8:13

8. Marriages will be without celebrations. (Jeremiah 16: 9)

9. People will die of deadly diseases.  (Jeremiah 16: 4)

10. They will be not be able to mourn for their dead.  They will not be able to bury their dead.  Jeremiah 16: 4

11. They will not go to the house of sorrow.  And will not show sympathy. 
(Jeremiah 16: 5)

12. Big and small, old and young will die.  There will be no one to bury them. 
(Jeremiah 16: 6)

13. It is forbidden to go to a feast/celebrations.
(Jeremiah 16: 8)

14. Come, my people, enter your chambers, and shut your doors: hide thyself for a little while, till the fury pass away.  (Isaiah 26:20)

15. The pride of men shall be humbled, and the lofty shall be humbled. (Isaiah 2:11)

16. Wash your hands so that they do not die. (Exodus 30: 18-21)

17. Keep distance if you have symptoms.  Cover Mouth and Avoid Contact (Leviticus 13: 4,5,46 Mask)

18. Whoever is sick should stay inside their tent for 7 to 14 days (Leviticus 13: 4-5, Quarantine)
Do you think you could raise a prayer to our heavenly Father and pass it on to 5 contacts. 

It is a vigil for cancer patients and Covid 19. If you cannot pass it, let me know so as not to cut the vigil.   
                                       Thank you.

*Jesus of Nazareth, by your most precious blood that travels through the whole world, cleaning all vestige of bad fluids of diseases, especially this pandemic that is hitting all humanity.*
Lord in this Holy moment, in this Holy place and in this Holy hour, in your Most Holy Name, Your Name which is above all names. The inhabitants of the whole world are in prayer, asking you for compassion Lord have mercy:
*JESUS our CHRIST,* we humbly beg of you to calm the storms and  the mortal sickness that has so damaged the entire world!
By your Sorrowful Compassion,
Have Mercy on Us and the Whole World. 
*Holy God, Holy Spirit, Holy Christ, Immortal* have mercy on us and on the whole world. "Pass it on, the word is strength and faith! Please just send it on, it is time for prayers: As soon as it comes to u, let it be your Day of Prayer for the whole World.
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